





r. all ,altogether ,completely ,entirelyn. unita. hale ,intact ,overall ,unharmed


r. part ,partially ,partlya. fractional ,half


whole[həul]adj. 完整的;純粹的n. 整體;全部


Whole 完整的;整體;全部;全部的;whole sale 躉賣;躉售業務;whole set 成套;全套裝置;成套... 成組...;大套;whole strategy 整體策略;整體性策略;organized whole 組織整體;


1.The snowy weather lasted (for) the whole winter. 下雪的天氣持續了整個冬季。

2.I remember the whole thing as if / though it happened yesterday. 我記得整個事情,就似乎它是發生在昨天一樣。

3.To the world, you are only someone. To me, you are the whole world. 對於世界而言,你是一個人,但對於我而言,你是我整個世界。


My vacation was terrible, it rained the whole time. - 我的假期簡直糟透了,整天都在下雨。

I say forget about the whole plan. - 要我說,還是把整個計劃忘掉吧。

The whole house needs re-painting. - 整個房間需要重新粉刷。

I lost a whole day's work. - 我丟掉一整天的工作成果。

A whole day's work. - 一整天的成果呀。

The whole Stewart family is close. Stewart - 全家人相處得很好。

As a matter of fact, my whole family banks here. - 事實上, 我們全家都是貴行的顧客。

Do you want to stick it out for the whole weekend? - 難道你想在此地耗掉整個週末?

This whole place is heavenly. - 這整個地方都太美好了。

I have the whole summer ... - 我有一整個暑假可以利用……

It sets the tone for the whole show. - 它決定了整個展覽的氣氛。

You'll have to ask a whole lot nicer than that I'm afraid. - 恐怕你應該要問得有禮貌一點吧。

If I wake up late, it throws out my whole routine. - 如果我晚起了,我的整個日常計劃就會都被打亂。

I have spent my whole life slaving away, it's time for me to take a break and see some of this great country. - 我的一生都在忙碌中度過的,現在是休息的時候了,也是去遊歷這個偉大國家的時候了。

The whole family decided to spend their holiday in Hawaii. - 全家決定到夏威夷度假。

You are my best friend in the whole world. - 你是我在這個世界上最好的朋友。

I'd like to make a couple of proposals to improve the whole situation. - 為了改善整個局面,我們提出若干建議。

Music can enrich your whole life. - 音樂可以使你一輩子的生活豐富多彩。

Then the whole family sits around the table, feasting and welcoming the first day of the new year. - 然後全家圍坐在桌旁吃團圓飯,迎接新年第一天的到來。

The whole thing was held up about half an hour. - 整個事情耽擱了約半小時。

The whole book is produced and edited in the pursuit of excellence. - 這本書在出版和編輯全過程都力求完美。

The whole world knows that. - 那個事人人皆知。

The homework took me a whole day. - 做家庭作業花了我一整天的時間。

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? - 你發誓據實陳述而決無謊言嗎?

The whole class is in a heated discussion. - 全班同學正在熱烈討論。

All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process. - 所有產品在整個生產過程中得通過五道質量檢查關。

The whole carton is packed with double straps, each corner of the carton consolidated with metal angles. - 紙箱外加了兩道箍,每個箱角都用金屬角加固。

I hadn't planned on swimming across the whole lake. - 我可從沒計劃要游過整個湖。

Saturday the whole family will clean out the garage. - 週六全家動員打掃車庫。

His job is his whole life. - 工作就是它的生命。

I didn't read the whole paper, arts column. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了藝術版。

I didn't read the whole paper, editorial. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了社論。

I didn't read the whole paper, front page. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了頭版。

I didn't read the whole paper, headlines. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了標題。

I didn't read the whole paper, society page column. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了社交版。

I didn't read the whole paper, sports page. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了體育版。

I ought to tell him the whole story. - 我應該告訴他整個事情的始末。

Let me tell you the whole story. - 讓我告訴你整個來龍去脈。

A fair death honours the whole life. - 死得光明,終身榮耀。

Like draws to like the whole world over. - 物以類聚,世間皆如此。

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. - 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。

One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. - 一隻爛蘋果爛一蘿蘋果。

One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock. - 一羊生癬,群羊受害。

One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. - 一次痛苦的經驗抵得上千百次的告誡。

One wrong (or false) move can lose the whole game. - 棋錯一著,全盤皆輸。

Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day. - 能節儉時就節儉,朝陽難照一整天。

The whole world knows that. - 全世界都知道。

They played a shameful part in the whole affair. - 他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。

I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! - 我在房間裡關了整整一天。然而竟連一張明信片也沒寫成!

After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. - 我總是在河上呆上整整一上午,然後空著袋子回家。


human whole serum - 人全血清

cold feeling of the whole body; general feelingof cold - 體厥

whole milk - 全奶

whole heart failure - 全心衰竭

whole correlation - 全相關

whole milk powder - 全脂奶粉

whole worm antigen - 全蟲抗原

whole blood - 全血

whole blood thrombolysis time - 全血凝塊溶解時間

coagulation time of whole thrombolysis time - 全血凝血時間

whole blood folate - 全血葉酸鹽

whole body volume - 全血容量

whole blood extract - 全血提取物

whole blood hematocrit - 全血細胞比容

whole body dose - 全身劑量

whole body reaction measuring equipment - 全身反應測定儀

whole body isotope camera - 全身同位素照相機

whole body scanogram - 全身掃瞄圖

whole body scanner - 全身掃瞄機

hair of the whole body - 全身毛髮

whole body hydrotherapy shower - 全身水療淋浴器

whole body activation autoradiography - 全身活化放射自顯影術

full-body exposure; total body irradiation; totalbodyirradiation; whole body esposure; whole body irradiation - 全身照射

whole body fatigue - 全身疲勞

whole body counting - 全身計數

human cuonter; shole-body dounter; whole body counter; whole-body counter - 全身計數器

whole body scintigram - 全身閃爍掃瞄圖

whole body camera - 全身閃爍照相機

whole body scintillation counter - 全身閃爍計數器

whole oil hydraulic orthopedic table - 全部液壓型骨科手術台

whole human embryocell - 完整人體胚胎細胞

whole response - 完整反應

whole pituitary powder - 干垂體粉

entirety; whole; whole body - 整體

whole response - 整體反應

whole body autoradiography; whole-body autoradiography - 整體放射自顯影術

whole body radiation - 整體照身

whole body count - 整體計數

capillary whole blood true sugar - 毛細血管全血的真性血糖

linear whole body scanner - 線性全身掃瞄機

regulate the whole body - 調整全身

whole ragweed extract - 豚草全浸膏


n.毛細血管全血的真性血糖 - capillary whole blood true sugar

n.全血凝血時間 - coagulation time of whole thrombolysis time

n.體厥 - cold feeling of the whole body

喉頭全摘除術 - enucleation of the whole larynx

n.全身毛髮 - hair of the whole body

n.人全血清 - human whole serum

n.線性全身掃瞄機 - linear whole body scanner

整個國家的醫療服務系統 - medical serv. system for the whole nation

n.調整全身 - regulate the whole body

血清全膽甾烯醇 - serum whole cholesterol

血清全蛋白 - serum whole protein

血清全蛋白數量 - serum whole protein quantity

n.人體是一個有機的整體 - The human body is an organic whole


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