costumedadj. 穿著特種服裝的;穿著戲裝的
costumed 被打扮的;服裝;
1.Her ardent sense of propriety fears that Bertha, in bed, might not be costumed decorously enough for the visit of a clerical gentleman. 她那強烈的禮儀感使她擔心臥床的伯莎衣飾不整,不適合接待一位聖職人員的來訪。
2.The city is famous for the annual carnival, night and day singing, balls, and street parades of brilliantly-costumed dancers performing samba rhythms. 該市還以一年一度的狂歡節而著稱,狂歡節上有通宵達旦的歌唱、舞會,還有身著華麗服飾的舞者表演桑巴舞的街頭遊行。
3.There are a slew of concerts and parades, many of which feature street performers, arts and crafts booths and costumed partygoers dressed as their favourite island treats. 慶祝儀式包括接連不斷的音樂會和遊行活動,這之中包括了街頭表演者、手工藝品的攤位和身著當地風情服飾的派對狂歡者。