n. deficiency ,inadequacy
n. adequacy ,sufficiency
insufficiency[,insə'fiʃənsi]n. 不足,不充分;[醫]機能不全;不適當
insufficiency 機能不全;不全;不充分;不足;valvular insufficiency 瓣閉鎖不全;瓣膜關閉不全;釋義:瓣膜關閉不全;辦膜生長不足;adrenocortical insufficiency 腎上腺皮質功能不全;腎上腺皮質功能減退症;腎上皮(機能)不全;腎上腺皮質機能不足;pancreatic insufficiency 胰功能不全;胰功能不全,;釋義:胰腺機能不全;胰功能不全,;philanthropic insufficiency 慈善的供給不足;不足性;慈善資源的不足;
1.Objective:To analyze the insufficiency in time limit monitoring of new edition doctor workstation of HIS. 目的:探討分析新版醫生工作站在時限監控設計中存在的不足。
2.The most common complications were cardiopulmonary insufficiency, lung infection, atelectasis pain and anastomose fistula in thorax. 常見的併發症有心律失常、肺部感染、肺不張、疼痛、胸腔內吻合口瘺等。
3.At the same classify past MBO of China from its financing method, point out its insufficiency, through the typical case, analysis its risk. 同時對中國已經實施管理層收購的融資方式進行分類,指出其不足,通過典型案例,說明其風險。
valvular insufficiency of great saphenous vein - 大隱靜脈瓣動功能不全
deficiency of heart-energy; exuberance of the heart-qi; insufficiency of the heart-qi - 心氣虛
sleepessness due to insufficiency of the heart-qi - 心氣虛不得臥
renal insufficiency after war injury - 戰傷後腎功能不全
flatulence resulting from insufficiency of qi - 氣虛中滿
flatulence results from insufficiency of qi - 氣虛而中滿
excess of fire; insufficiency of water leading to excess of fire - 水虧火旺
a method to treat insufficiency of the blood - 治療血虛的方法
cold syndrome due to insufficiency of the liver; the liver-cold - 肝寒
insufficiency of qi of the liver and gallbladder - 肝膽氣虛
insufficiency of the lung-qi - 肺氣虛
insufficiency of the lung and the kidney qi - 肺腎氣虛
insufficiency of kidney-yang; insufficiency of the kidney-yang - 腎陽不足
insufficiency of the kidney-yang - 腎陽虛
insufficiency of the stomach-qi - 胃氣虛
hypofunction of the spleen; insufficiency of the spleen-qi - 脾氣虛
insufficiency of both the spleen and the kidney - 脾腎陽虛
insufficiency of the spleen-yang - 脾胃虛寒
deficient spleen; insufficiency of the spleen - 脾虛
insufficiency of the spleen-yang - 脾陽虛
hiccup of insufficiency type - 虛呃
asthma of insufficiency type - 虛喘
asthenia cold; astheniacold; cold and deficidncy of; cold of insufficiency type - 虛寒
diarrhea due to cold of insufficiency type - 虛寒洞洩
asthenic-type constipation; constipation of insufficiency tupe; constipation of insufficiency type - 虛秘
sallow complexion of insufficiency type - 虛黃
a method to treat insufficiency of the blood - 血墚證治法
menoxenia due to insufficiency of ching channel - 血海不足
insufficiency of convergence - 輻輳機能不全
insufficiency of yang-qi; there is not enough yang-qi - 陽氣不足
insufficiency of yang - 陽虛
insufficiency of yang brings about cold syndrome - 陽虛則外寒
carotid insufficiency syndrome - 頸動脈灌流不足綜合征
n.治療血虛的方法,血墚證治法 - a method to treat insufficiency of the blood
n.急性腎上腺皮質功能不全 - acute adrenocortical insufficiency
n.急性心功能不全 - acute cardiac insufficiency
n.急性循環功能不全 - acute circulatory insufficiency
n.急性肝功能不全 - acute hepatic insufficiency
n.腎上腺皮質功能不全 - adrenocortical insufficiency
n.急性腎功能不全 - acute renal insufficiency
n.腎上腺功能不全 - adrenal insufficiency
n.吻合功能不全 - anastomotic insufficiency
主動脈瓣閉鎖不全,主動脈瓣關閉不全 - aortic insufficiency
主動脈瓣閉鎖不全波,AI波 - aortic insufficiency wave
主動脈瓣狹窄兼關閉不全 - aortic stenosis and insufficiency
不動脈並閉鎖不全症 - aortic valve insufficiency
n.虛喘 - asthma of insufficiency type
n.心功能不全 - cardiac functional insufficiency
n.心功能不全,心臟供血不足 - cardiac insufficiency
n.心肺功能不全 - cardiopulmonary insufficiency
n.頸動脈灌流不足綜合征 - carotid insufficiency syndrome
n.腦血管機能不全 - cerebral vascular insufficiency
n.腦血管機能不全 - cerebrovascular insufficiency
慢性腎上腺皮質缺乏 - chronic adrenocortical insufficiency
慢性腎輪皮質功能不全綜合症 - chronic adrenocortical insufficiency syndrome
n.慢性心功能不全 - chronic cardiac insufficiency
n.慢性冠狀動脈代血不足 - chronic coronary insufficiency
慢性肝不全 - chronic hepatic insufficiency
慢性呼吸不全 - chronic pulmonary insufficiency
慢性呼吸不全症 - chronic pulmonary insufficiency illness
n.慢性腎功能不全 - chronic renal insufficiency
n.虛寒 - cold of insufficiency type
n.肝寒 - cold syndrome due to insufficiency of the liver
n.先天性二尖瓣閉鎖不全 - congenital mitral insufficiency
n.先天性二尖瓣狹窄和關閉不全 - congenital mitral stenosis and insufficiency
n.先天性肺動脈瓣關閉不全 - congenital pulmonary insufficiency
n.虛秘 - constipation of insufficiency tupe
n.虛秘 - constipation of insufficiency type
n.冠狀動脈功機能不全,冠狀動脈供血不足 - coronary insufficiency
黃體機能不全 - corpus luteum insufficiency
收斂不全,會聚不點 - convergence insufficiency
n.虛寒洞洩 - diarrhea due to cold of insufficiency type
散開不全性外斜視,散開不足性外斜視 - divergence insufficiency exotropia
n.腎水泛,腎虛水泛 - edema due to the kidney insufficiency
n.陽虛水泛 - edema due to yang insufficiency
n.能量-動力性心功能不全 - energetic-dynamic heart insufficiency
n.腎虛遺尿 - enuresis due to the kidney insufficiency
n.陽虛陰盛 - excess of yin due to yang insufficiency
不舒服 - feeling of insufficiency
n.陽虛發熱 - fever due to yang insufficiency
n.氣虛中滿 - flatulence resulting from insufficiency of qi
n.氣虛而中滿 - flatulence results from insufficiency of qi
n.陽虛頭痛 - headahe due to yang insufficiency