Regensburgn. 雷根斯堡(德意志聯邦共和國東南部城市)
Regensburg 雷根斯堡;累根斯堡;裡根斯堡;堡市;Regensburg U 雷根斯堡大學;Regensburg University 雷根斯堡大學;裡根斯堡大學;根斯堡大學;University Regensburg 雷根斯堡大學;FH Regensburg 科學大學;
1.Last year the pope took issue with Islam in a speech at Regensburg, but he also opposed the Iraq war. 上一年,羅馬教皇在雷根斯堡的演講是以伊斯蘭教為話題的,但他同樣反對伊拉克戰爭。
2.Siemens VDO Automotive AG (Regensburg) is one of the world's leading automotive suppliers of electronics and mechatronics. 西門子威迪歐汽車電子股份公司(雷根斯堡)是全球領先的汽車電子裝置和機械電子裝置的供應商之一。
3.Located at Regensburg in Central bayerishche business card printing centre, heime morgan guaranty daily, as well as the times of India which is subsequently used. 位於雷根斯堡的邊際巴伐利亞制卡邊緣、《曼海默摩根日報》,以及《印度時報》也不兵隨後拔取。