footwell['fut,wel]n. 駕駛者放腿腳的擱腳空間
footwell 擱腳空間;FOOTWELL DAMPER 足部出風風門;footwell light 踏腳燈;
1.Aramid mats are thus used for the roof and the body columns and for the front wall to the footwell and the back wall to the luggage compartment. 因此芳綸墊用於屋頂和身體列和前牆的腳部和背部牆到行李箱。
2.A reasonable performance with the survival space mostly maintained but compromised by chest contact with the steering wheel and problems in the footwell. 測試結果尚可。碰撞後的生存空間大部分得以保存,但胸部和方向盤的碰撞、腿部空間的問題使表現打了折扣。
3.The passenger compartment is protected by armour plating of the doors, the roof, the pillars, the front footwell and the separation wall between passenger and luggage compartments. 車廂內的乘客是裝甲保護的車門,車頂,支柱,前腳部和乘客與行李車廂隔離牆電鍍。