





Johnn. 約翰(男子名)


John 約翰;約翰 希伯來 上帝仁慈的賜恩;約翰福音;廁所;John McCain 麥凱恩;約翰·麥凱恩;約翰-麥凱恩;約翰·麥卡蓋因;John Williams 約翰·威廉姆斯;威廉姆斯;威廉斯;約翰威廉斯;John Snow 斯諾;約翰·斯諾;約翰·斯諾 (醫學家);渲銜 笪險;John Travolta 約翰·特拉沃爾塔;約翰屈伏塔;約翰-特拉沃爾塔;尊特拉華達;


1.Dear John, Thank you for your letter. 親愛的的約翰:謝謝你的來信。

2.Charles and John are my good friends. 查爾斯和約翰是我的好朋友。

3.John:Good evening. We want to arrange a trip to Hawaii. 約翰:晚上好,我們想安排一次去夏威夷的旅行。


Do you want to do something this Sunday? John and I would like you to come over for a party. - 你星期日要不要做什麼事?約翰和我想請你過來參加宴會。

What does John do? - John現在做什麼事?

John Marchetta runs this company. John Marchetta - 經營這家公司。

Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill. - 啊 Richard Marilyn 我向你們介紹John O'Neill。

I got a Dear John letter from her. - 我收到她的絕交信了。

The moment John saw Mary, he fell head over heels in love with her. - 約翰對瑪麗一見傾心,給她弄得神魂顛倒了。

Tom and John are in conflict over this. - 湯姆和約翰之間存在著矛盾。

She envied John for this success. - 她娘娘約翰的成功。

We never imagined that John would become a doctor. - 我們從來沒想像約翰將成為一位醫生。

I'm John Smith. - 我是約翰、史密斯。

His name is John Smith. - 他叫約翰、史密斯。

Mrs.Jones,this is Mr. John Smith. - 瓊斯夫人,這是約翰、史密斯先生。

Does John have a yellow pencil? - 約翰有一支黃鉛筆嗎?

I didn't see Mr. Jones,but I saw John Smith. - 我沒看見瓊斯先生,但是我看見了約翰·史密斯。

When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith. - 當我看見瓊斯先生時,他與約翰·史密斯正在談話。

I can't remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon. - 我不能記得約翰昨天下午正在做的東西。

Please ask John to turn on the lights. - 請要求約翰打開燈。

We waited for john in the lobby of the airport. - 我們在機場的大廳裡等約翰。

I'm doing some washing and John is cooking dinner. - 我正在洗衣服,約翰在做晚飯。

That is John Smith,isn't it? - 你是約翰。史密斯,對嗎?

Yes, I'm John Smith. - 是的,我是約翰。史密斯。

You are John Smith, the engineer,aren't you? - 你是工程師約翰。史密斯,對嗎?

No, I don't I'm John Smith the telephone engineer and I'm repairing your telephone line. - 不,不是。我是電話工程師約翰。史密斯,我正在修理您的電話線。

While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, - 當約翰。吉爾伯特住院的時候,他問醫生他的手術是否成功,

They examined the remain and John got all his money back. - 他們鑒定了這些殘留物。約翰拿回了他損失的全部數額。

an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters. - 人們情願拿出大筆的錢,也不願畢生的心血毀於歹徒之手。

William S.hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, fro unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns. - 威廉。哈特大概是美國西部電影明星中的佼佼者。他和加裡。 古柏、約翰。韋恩不同,他只在西部電影中扮演角色。

I'm going to hear John Denver. - 我要去聽約翰·丹弗的演唱。

My name is John Brain. - 我叫約翰·佈雷恩。

Just this one. Here it is. John Brain rang. - 就只這一個,是約翰·佈雷恩打來的。這個留言條給你。

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