1.According to the script, that is indeed Nala Se -- the Kaminoan from "Shadow of Malevolence" -- at the Ord Cestus medical facility. 根據劇本,塞斯特斯兵站星附近的醫療站裡的卡米諾人確實是娜拉·塞,她上次出場是在第一季的《毒牙暗影》中。
2.Nala is shocked to find Simba alive, and she tells Timon and Pumbaa that he is the true king. 娜娜發現辛巴還活著,感到興奮異常,她告訴丁滿和彭彭,辛巴才是真正的國王。
3.As was just a "fashion Basha" awards, the most recent Nala quite happy, but she said their most wanted this year's Best Actress Award or. 由於剛獲得一個「時尚芭沙」獎項,令娜拉最近相當開心,不過她稱自己今年最想拿的還是最佳女演員獎。