phonography[fəu'nɔɡrəfi]n. 表音速記法;速記表音符號
phonography 速記;音飆;表音法;留聲術;phonogram phonography 表音符號;phonography tachygraphy 速記術;phonography shorthand steno stenography 速記;
1.From that period, Chines characters were not only in its elementary pictographic stage but has been put on a way of phonography. 從這個時期起,漢字即走上了音意文字階段,而決非僅僅是象形表意的初級文字階段。這是關係到漢字的性質問題。
2.From 1970, South Korean primary and secondary schools, textbooks in Chinese characters has been canceled, the use of fully phonography. 從1970年起,韓國小學、中學教科書中的漢字被取消,完全使用表音文字。
3.Why does certain groups of phonogram whose phonography are same while its pronunciations are similarities and differences half and half ? 為什麼一組形聲字聲旁字形完全一樣而讀音有的相同有的不同?