





a. right ,suitable ,suited


a. improper


proper['prɔpə]adj. 適當的;本身的;特有的;正派的adv. [方言]完全地


proper 本身的;適當的;正確的;固有的;proper noun 專有名詞;專有名稱;專有名詞;(專有名詞):;proper value 本盞;固有值;本征值;特盞;proper vector 特徵矢量;本嶄量;特鎮量;特徵向量;proper time 原時;本征時間;固有時間;固有時;


1.This is the proper course here. 在這裡這是正確的(做法)。

2.The proper study of mankind is man. 研究人類最合適的對象是人。

3.It is altogether and proper that we should do this. 我們這樣做是完全應該而且非常恰當的。


A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. - 適度的運動有益於健康。

A standard one. Replacement during the first year if all rules for proper use have been followed. - 有一個原則,如果在一年內符合各種使用規定,就可更換。

Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. - 行動是知識的巧果。

It is right to put everything in its proper use. - 凡事都應該用得其所。

and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective. - 甚至他和宗教法庭的著名衝突,我們今天也能正確如實地看待。

The serious investor needs a proper 'portfolio' --a well-planned selection of investments, with a definite structure and a clear aim. - 認真的投資者需要一份正規的投資組合表一種計劃很周密的投資選擇,包括你的投資結構和明確的目標。

I insist on taking proper food for this expedition. The men often fall ill and suffer fever, so I have decided to take live animals. - 我堅持認為,這次探險要攜帶合適的食物。水手經常生病發燒,因此我決定帶活的動物。


ligamentum ovarii proprium; ovarian proper ligament - 卵巢固有韌帶

lack of proper care after birth - 後天失養

lack of proper care after birth - 後天失調

fasciculus proprius; proper fasciculus - 固有束

fascia propria; proper fascla - 固有筋膜

cavum nasi proprium; nasal proper cavity - 固有鼻腔

musculus extensor digiti quinti proprius; proper extensor muscle of fifth digit - 小指固有伸肌

proper substance of sclera; substantia propria sclerae - 鞏膜固有質

ensure proper downward flow of the blood; ensuring proper downward flow of the blood - 引血下行

arteriae digitales palmares propriae; proper palmar digital arteries - 指掌側固有動脈

nervi digitales palmares proprii; proper palmar digital nerves - 指掌側固有神經

characdteristic function; characteristic function; eigen function; eigenfunction; proper function - 本征函數

characteristic value; characteristicvalue; eigen value; proper balue - 特徵值

characteristic function; eigenfunction; proper function - 特徵函數

lamina propria mucosae; proper mucous membrane - 粘膜固有層

ramus dexter ar teriae hepaticae propriae; right branch of proper hepatic artery - 肝右動脈

arteria hepatica propria; proper hepatic artery - 肝固有動脈

left branch of proper hepatic artery; ramus sinister arteria hepaticase propriae - 肝左動脈

arteriae digitales plantares propriae; proper plantar digital arteries - 趾底固有動脈

nervi digitales plantares proprii; proper digital plantar nerves - 趾足底固有神經


n.引血下行 - ensure proper downward flow of the blood

n.引血下行 - ensuring proper downward flow of the blood

肝固有動脈 - hepatic artery proper

n.後天失調,後天失養 - lack of proper care after birth

n.肝左動脈 - left branch of proper hepatic artery

n.固有鼻腔 - nasal proper cavity

n.卵巢固有韌帶 - ovarian proper ligament

n.肝右動脈 - right branch of proper hepatic artery

n.舌質 - tongue proper

適溫治療 - treatment by proper temperature

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