a new pair of pyjamas 一身新的睡衣;interlock color-contrasted pyjamas 棉毛拼色睡衣褲;knitted pyjamas 針織睡衣;polo pyjamas 合為一套的睡衣;pyjamas 睡衣;睡衣褲;睡衣套裝;褲裝睡衣;
1.The President of Honduras was ousted in a military coup yesterday when troops arrested him in his pyjamas and sent him into exile in Costa Rica. 昨天洪都拉斯總統在軍事政變中被驅逐出境,軍隊逮捕他的時候,他正穿著睡衣,然後被驅逐到了哥斯達黎加。
2.Dick Moore, Elkhart's mayor, has been so enthusiastic about federal support that some county officials harrumph that he sleeps in Obama pyjamas. 埃爾哈克特市長迪克摩爾一直都對聯邦支持非常熱心,而一些縣級官員對他不滿,說他穿著奧巴馬的睡衣睡覺。
3.Wearing pyjamas when the streets will be fine. 屆時穿睡衣上街者將被罰款。
4.On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat. 在一個炎熱,炎熱的一天,我在睡衣的熱量。
5.No rational person would go to work in his pyjamas. 任何神志正常的人都不會穿著睡衣去上班。