unblushingly[,ʌn'blʌʃiŋ]adv.unblushing的變形adj. 不臉紅的,不害臊的厚顏無恥的;厚臉皮的
brag unblushingly 大言不慚;
1.abandoned: …One White House disposal crew even unblushingly planned to deep six a file in the Potomac. 白宮一批負責銷毀文件的工作人員甚至恬不知恥地準備將一份檔案投進波托馬克河。
2.But the behavior is even worse than Japan, the party branch secretaries college things like stealing, stealing over unblushingly also to show to show off their ancestral said. 但品行比日本還差,喜歡偷團支書東西,偷完了還不知廉恥地拿出來炫耀說是自己祖傳的。
3.but I should not thus unblushingly publish my guilt, if I did not know that most of my readers were equally guilty with myself, and that their deeds would look no better in print. 可是,如果我不知道我的讀者之中,大多數人是跟我有同樣罪過的,他們的清單恐怕公開印出來,還不如我的好呢,那我是不會這樣不害臊地公開我的罪過的。