CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act;
1.However, major portions of the Type B rules were found to violate CERCLA in Ohio v. United States Dept. of Interior, 880 F. 2d 432 (D. C. Cir. 1989). 然而,在「俄亥俄州訴美國內政部」〔1989年《聯邦判例彙編》第2集第880卷第432頁(地區法院巡迴法庭)〕一案中B類規則大部分被證明違反了《綜合性環境反應、賠償與責任法案》。
2.The author analyzed the exception clauses of CERCLA and its amendments and chose several typical cases in this field to explain the issue under the case law context of U. 論題著重對《超級基金法》及其修正案中的免責條款進行分析,並結合美國判例法的特點挑選了該領域較有影響的案例進行了說明。
3.Prior to 1986, there was a division among the courts regarding whether the possible joint and several liability of CERCLA defendants was a matter of federal or state common law. 1986年以前,就被告人的可能連帶責任是屬於聯邦普通法範疇還是屬於州普通法範疇這一問題,法院的看法是有區分的。