caesarean delivered 剖腹產的;Delivered 已交貨,已支付的;已傳送呼叫;交貨的;運輸、傳遞;delivered image 傳輸完成的圖像;DELIVERED QUANTITY 或卸船重量;卸船重量:;交付量;卸船重量;delivered power 輸出功率;輸出功率(輪機用語;收到功率;受給電力;
1.Sasin offers a range of customized, in-company programs delivered in Thailand. These programs are typically designed and delivered in Thailand by faculty from th… 自定義執行教育計劃在泰國薩辛提供一系列定制,公司計劃在泰國交付。這些程序通常是在設計和交付泰國的…
2.Then he delivered to the escort, drunk and sober, a receipt for the escorted and requested him to dismount . 然後,他交給護送者--雖然喝醉了酒但是還清醒--一個被護送者的收條,而且叫他下馬。
3.But the variety of other merchandise delivered to the tissues is amazing. 但是,給組織送上門的其他貨物的種類是驚人的。
4.You can drill down into specific TV campaigns and see the impressions delivered, number of ad airings, cost and CPM alongside your metrics like visits, time on site, and conversions. 您可以深入到具體的運動和看電視的展示交付,一些廣告airings,費用和每千次展示成本等指標與您的訪問,網站停留時間,並轉換。
5.MOM is architecturally quite similar to ordinary messaging; the differences lie in functionality and the quality of service delivered. MOM在體系結構上與普通消息十分相似,不同處在於功能和提供服務的質量。
What time is the mail delivered on Saturday? - 郵件在星期六什麼時間被遞送?
The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided. - 你們交貨的羊毛衫和我廠提供的樣品不一致。
delivered uterine pregnancy - 子宮內已產妊娠
not delivered uterine pregnancy - 子宮內未產妊娠
The obstetrician delivered the child - 疼醫生接生了這個孩子
n.子宮內未產妊娠 - not delivered uterine pregnancy
n.疼醫生接生了這個孩子 - The obstetrician delivered the child