inclusivenessn. 包容;包容性
inclusiveness 包容;廣泛包容性;包括;over inclusiveness 概念過分包容;spirit of inclusiveness 包容精神;the spirit of inclusiveness 包容精神;
1.Thoughts of love, compassion, inclusiveness, understanding, wisdom, and mercy are luminous and very beautiful. 愛、同情、包容、瞭解、智慧和仁慈的想法是閃閃發光的美麗想法。
2.Situational wishes often seem to be granted, but the Grandest Wish of All is forgiveness of illusions, reflecting the All-Inclusiveness of Love. 情景性的願望似乎經常也能被滿足,但是一切願望中最宏大的願望是寬恕幻相,反映出愛容涵一切的本性。
3.The thesis looks into the inclusiveness of the literary theory of semiotics from the aspects of the formation, the characteristics and the sources of aesthetic signs. 從審美符號的構成方式、審美符號的形式特徵、審美符號的內容來源等三個方面論析了符號學文藝理論的包容性。