Marchn. 三月
March 三月;前進;煙花三月;現在是一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月。;wedding march 婚禮進行曲;愛情進行式;結婚進行曲;婚禮進行曲:活潑的快板;Funeral March 常在我心;送葬進行曲;葬禮進行曲;送葬曲;Miss March 三月女郎;三月小姐;三月封面女郎;三月小姐 -;annual march 年變程;年變程, 年變化;
1.This March, we are all busy. 這個三月,大家都是忙碌的。
2."March Madness" this year began last week. 今年,「三月的瘋狂」開始於上周。
3.They pass through Taiwan anywhere between mid March-mid April. 牠們經過台灣的時間在三月中到四月中。
To march in shingle file - 排成一列前進
It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent. - 它於1994年3月7日正式開通,將英國與歐洲大陸連到了一起。
In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away protection money was paid to them. - 和平時期,當生意蕭條時,霍克伍德便帶領士兵進入某個城邦,縱火燒燬一兩個農場,然後提出,如向他們繳納保護金,他們便主動撤離。
In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943. - 另一隻海底沉箱中裝的是船上一位軍官的財物,其中有一封寫於1943年3月14日的信,但沒有寫完。
In England, too, spring is longer.Spring in England can last from late March to May. - 英國的春天也較長,能夠從3月下旬延續到5月。
There was a big civil rights march through the centre of Birmingham yesterday. - 昨天大規模的民權示威遊行經過伯明翰市中心。
What happened on the march then? - 那麼 ,在遊行中發生了什麼事?
I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up. - 我參加了遊行,我們以和平的方式往前行進,這時警察突然來了。
They said that the march had been forbidden, but that wasn't true. - 他們說遊行向來是被禁止的,但這不是事實。
Thousands joined him when he led a march to the coast, with the purpose of making a little salt when he reached the sea. - 為了生產一點鹽,他帶領遊行隊伍向海濱前進,當他們到達海濱時,成千上萬的人參加了進來。
The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn and express how he had become father to all Indians. Millions watched the slow march that took his body through the capital. - 甘地之死給印度一個悼念的機會,讓人們表達他是怎樣成為全印度人民的父親的。
march hemoglobinuria - 步行性血紅蛋白尿
march hygiene - 行軍衛生
march tumor - 行軍瘤
march foot - 行軍足
march fracture - 行軍骨折
變應性發展 - allergie march