phytocoenosium[,faitəusi'nəusiəm]n.【生態學】植物群落[亦作 phytocommunity]
phytocoenosium 植物群落;labile phytocoenosium 不穩定植物群落;釋義:不穩定植物群落;stable phytocoenosium 穩定植物群落,穩定值物群落;phytocoenosium type 植物群落型;primary phytocoenosium 始興植物群落:在某一生境條件下群落開始形成時的群落。;
1.The redundancy structure decides whether a phytocoenosium is resistant or resilient, or both resistant and resilient. 植物群落的冗余結構決定了其穩定性是抵抗的,或是恢復的,或既是抵抗的又是恢復的。
2.By the property of the compositions, all redundancies in a phytocoenosium are distinguished into quality redundancy and quantity one. 植物群落冗余按其組成成分的性質可分為兩種:數量冗余和質量冗余。
3.This thesis at once analyzed the structure of its phytocoenosium, which was understood to being of one layer, two layers, three layers (the most common) and multi-layers. 並對其群落結構進行分析,其群落組成有一層、二層、三層、多層,常見的為三層。