





n. hypophysis ,pituitary body ,pituitary glanda. acromegalic


pituitary[pi'tju:itəri]n. 垂體;腦垂體adj. 腦垂體的;腦垂體分泌失調引起的


pituitary 腦垂體的;垂體;腦垂體;腦下腺;pituitary forceps 垂體鑷;pituitary amenorrhea 垂體性閉經;垂體性經閉;釋義:垂體性經閉,垂體性閉經;pituitary curette 垂體刮匙;釋義:腦垂體刮匙;pituitary dissector 垂體剝離器;釋義:腦垂體剝離器;


1.Objective To analyze the complications of transsphenoidal operation for pituitary adenomas. 目的分析經蝶入路切除垂體腺瘤的手術併發症。

2.Objective:To evaluate the effect and safety with pituitary treatment of schizophrenias negative symptom. 目的:評價利培酮治療精神分裂症陰性症狀的療效及安全性。

3.Sleeping and working out have a synergistic effect on fitness: Each can cause the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. 睡眠及高強度的訓練對健康具有協同作用的影響:每一項都能從腦垂體腺引起生長激素的釋放。


postpartum pituitary necrosis; sheehans syndrome - 產後垂體壞死

hhg; human hypophyseal gonadotrophin; human pituitary gonadotropin - 人垂體促性腺激素

human pituitary folliclestimulating hormone - 人垂體濾泡刺激素

congenital pituitary stalk vestigial cyst - 先天性垂體柄殘餘囊腫

iatrogenic pituitary disorders - 醫原性垂體障礙

glandula pituitaria; hypophysis; pituitary body; pituitary gland; pituitarygland; pitutary - 垂體

pituitary gonadotropic hormone; prolan - 垂體促性腺激素

pituitary adrenotrophic hormone - 垂體促腎上腺激素

pituitary apoplexy - 垂體出血

anterior pituitary gonadotropin - 垂體前葉促性腺激素

anterior pituitary hyperfunction - 垂體前葉功能亢進

anterior pituitary hypofunction - 垂體前葉功能低下

anterior pituitary hypofunction - 垂體前葉功能減退

anterior pituitary basophil-cell tumor - 垂體前葉嗜鹼性細胞瘤

anterior lobe hormone; anterior pituitary hormone - 垂體前葉激素

anterior pituitary diabetogenic factor - 垂體前葉致糖尿病因子

pituitary function - 垂體功能

examination of pituitary function - 垂體功能檢查

pituitary apoplexy - 垂體卒中

inj pituitary posterior; posterior pituitary injection - 垂體後葉注射液

hypophysin; neurohypophyseal hormone; posterior pituitary hormone; posterior pituitary hormones - 垂體後葉激素

posterior pituitary principle - 垂體後葉物質

posterior pituitary powder - 垂體後葉粉

pituitary basophilic cell - 嗜鹼性垂體細胞

pituitary basophillism - 垂體嗜鹼細胞增殖

pituitary dwarf - 垂體性侏儒

pituitary dwarflsm - 垂體性侏儒症

pituitary eunuchism - 垂體性元睪症

pituitary gigantism - 垂體性巨人症

pituitary gigantism - 垂體性巨大發育

hypophyseal cachexia; pituitary cachexia; simmonds disease - 垂體性惡病質

pituitary nyxedema - 垂體性粘液水腫

pituitary glycosuria - 垂體性糖尿

hypophyseal amenorrhea; hypophyseal aminorrhea; pituitary amenorrhea - 垂體性經閉

pituitary deverticulum; rathkes pouch; rathkespouch - 垂體憩室

injury of pituitary gland - 垂體損傷

pituitary vesicle; rathkes pouch; rathkespouch - 垂體泡

hypophyseal hormones; pituary hormone; pituitary hormone; pituitary hormones; pituitrin - 垂體激素

pituitary growth hormone - 垂體生長激素

hypophysoma; pituitary tumor - 垂體瘤

resection of pituitary tumor - 垂體瘤切除

resection of pituitary tumor - 垂體瘤切除術

pituitary adrenal system - 垂體腎上腺系統

pituitary tumor - 垂體腫瘤

glaudula pituitaria; pituitary gland; pituitarygland - 垂體腺

pituitary involution - 垂體萎縮

pituitary involution - 垂體退化

anterior pituitary reaction - 垂垂體前葉反應

traumatic degeneration of pituitary gland - 外傷性垂體變性

whole pituitary powder - 干垂體粉


n.垂體嗜酸細胞腺瘤 - acedophilic adenoma of pituitary

n.垂體前葉,腦垂體前葉 - anterior pituitary

n.垂體前葉嗜鹼性細胞瘤 - anterior pituitary basophil-cell tumor

n.垂體前葉致糖尿病因子 - anterior pituitary diabetogenic factor

n.垂體前葉促性腺激素 - anterior pituitary gonadotropin

n.垂體前葉激素 - anterior pituitary hormone

n.垂體前葉功能亢進 - anterior pituitary hyperfunction

n.垂體前葉功能低下,垂體前葉功能減退 - anterior pituitary hypofunction

n.垂垂體前葉反應 - anterior pituitary reaction

n.垂體嗜鹼細胞腺瘤,垂體嗜鹼性腺瘤 - basophilic adenoma of pituitary

n.垂體嫌色細胞腺瘤 - chromophobe adenoma of pituitary

n.先天性垂體柄殘餘囊腫 - congenital pituitary stalk vestigial cyst

n.垂體功能檢查 - examination of pituitary function

n.垂體肉芽腫 - granulloma of pituitary

n.人垂體濾泡刺激素 - human pituitary folliclestimulating hormone

n.人垂體促性腺激素 - human pituitary gonadotropin

n.前垂體功能亢進 - hyperfunction of anterior pituitary

n.腦垂體前葉機能減退,前垂體功能減退 - hypofunction of anterior pituitary

n.腦垂體後葉機能減退 - hypofunction of posterior pituitary

n.醫原性垂體障礙 - iatrogenic pituitary disorders

n.感染性垂體變性 - infective degeneration of pituitary gland

n.垂體梗塞 - infarction of pituitary

n.垂體後葉注射液 - inj pituitary posterior

n.垂體損傷 - injury of pituitary gland

n.冰凍真空乾燥的垂體前葉,低壓凍干垂體前葉 - lyophilized anterior pituitary

n.垂體惡性腺瘤 - malignant ademoma of pituitary

n.垂體混合瘤 - mixed tumor of pituitary

n.腦垂體後葉 - posterior pituitary

n.垂體後葉激素,腦垂體後葉激素 - posterior pituitary hormone

n.垂體後葉激素 - posterior pituitary hormones

n.垂體後葉注射液,腦垂體後葉注射液 - posterior pituitary injection

n.垂體後葉粉 - posterior pituitary powder

n.垂體後葉物質 - posterior pituitary principle

n.產後垂體壞死 - postpartum pituitary necrosis

n.垂體瘤切除,垂體瘤切除術 - resection of pituitary tumor

n.外傷性垂體變性 - traumatic degeneration of pituitary gland

n.經蝶竇垂體腫瘤切除術 - transsphenoidal removal of pituitary tumor

n.經蝶竇蝶鞍內腫瘤手術 - transsphernoidal surgery of pituitary fossatumors

n.干垂體粉 - whole pituitary powder

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