barnaby['bɑ:nəbi]n. 井下閃爍計數器
barnaby 井下閃爍計數器;巴納比;預言之子 男性 希伯來;FRANK BARNABY 巴納比;巴納比;Barnaby Jack 網絡安全研究人員傑克;員巴納比·傑克;Barnaby Rudge 巴納比·盧傑;巴納比BRENDA BARNABY 瑪娜比;瑪娜比;巴納比;
1.His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a life of dim propriety. 巴納比的爸爸希望他能老老實實地過一輩子。
2.Barnaby, without a nickel, is banished even from his boyhood summer home, the very last roof over his head. 身無分文的巴納比最後被人從僅有的棲身之所—小時候夏日度假的房子中趕了出來。
3.One of the most graphic examples of the surge of anti-Chinese rhetoric sweeping Australia comes from Barnaby Joyce, leader of the opposition National party in Australia's upper house. 一時之間,反華言論在澳大利亞甚囂塵上,最為疾言厲色的莫過於反對黨國家黨上院領袖貝納比