Bessien. 貝茜(女子名)
Bessie 廖 丹;貝茜;貝西;杜映梅;Bessie Marbury 瑪伯芮;Bessie head 最喜歡的作家;Bessie Bessy 貝茜;Bessie Smith 史密斯;貝西.史密斯;貝西史密斯;史密絲;
1."Let us be frank, " said Bessie. 「讓我們坦白一點吧,」貝西說。
2.In addition to all her other qualifications, Bessie was an expert cook. 除了她所有的其他技能外,貝茜還是一個熟練的廚師。
3.After being nursed back to health by Bessie Leaven, a sympathetic nurse at Gateshead, Jane is sent to the Lowood School, fifty miles away. 貝西·利文是蓋茲海德府裡一個有同情心的女傭。經她照料康復後,簡·愛被送到五十英里以外的勞渥德學校。
In addition to all her other qualifications, Bessie was an expert cook. - 貝西除了有各種本領以外,還是一個烹飪大師。
my aunt unexpectedly returned one afternoon with a party of guests and instructed Bessie to prepare dinner. - 一天下午,她出其不意地回來了,帶來一大批客人,吩咐貝西準備晚飯。
Not only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily. - 結果,不僅飯菜遠不如平時做得好,而且貝西走起路來似乎東倒西歪。
She reluctantly came to the conclusion that Bessie was drunk. - 她不得不認定貝西是喝醉了。
The guests had, of course, realized this from the moment Bessie opened the door for them and, long before the final catastrophe, had had a difficult time trying to conceal their amusement. - 客人們自然從貝西為他們開門那一刻起就看出來了,在好長一段時間裡,即最後這個亂子發生前,他們努力克制才沒笑出聲來。