convenern. (會議)召集人
convener 召集人;會議召集人;convener convocator 會議召集人;convener seats 召集人席位;Convener Court 會議召集議政廳;Deputy Convener 副召集人;
1.Notice shall be given to all directors by the Chair or the convener 5 days before the board meeting is convened. 召開理事會會議,理事長或召集人需提前5日通知全體理事。
2.The illegal convening procedure could be divided into such two categories as convening the shareholder meeting by convener without authority and the defect of notice. 而召集程序違法又分為「股東會由無召集人召集」和「通知的瑕疵」兩種。
3."Manual scavenging is most prevalent in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, " says Bezwada Wilson, the national convener of SKA. 人工清理廁所雖為政府所禁止,卻在印度的很多邦極為普遍。ska國家召集人本瓦達·威爾森如是說。