





air drop airdrop drop 空投;air drop airdrop drop 空投;counter-blow hammer drop hammer forge hammer steam drop hammer 鍛錘;drop into drop on get after hell rack back 訓斥;drop around drop round 串門;


1.A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil. 對嬰孩最好的按摩油是1滴羅馬洋甘菊,1滴薰衣草,1滴天竺葵被稀釋在2大湯匙中甜杏仁油。

2.Of cuddle city drop make person of a lot of Hong Kong drops into " negative capital " , of building city drop to also drop the state of mind of Hong Kong person " lost a balance " . 摟市的下跌使得好多香港人都跌成了「負資產」,樓市的下跌也把香港人的心態跌得「失去了平衡」。

3.Cell voltage was decreased by decreasing the over potential of electrode reaction, the voltage drop within diaphragm, the voltage drop of solution, and contact voltage drop. 通過降低電極反應過電位、隔膜壓降、溶液壓降和接觸電壓降,達到降低槽電壓的目的。

4.A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil. 對嬰孩最好的按摩油是1滴羅馬洋甘菊,1滴薰衣草,1滴天竺葵被稀釋在2大湯匙中甜杏仁油。

5.Dew of alexipharmic water, drop had better be bought to wait in drugstore, drop in bath crock, to water disinfection. 最好在藥店買消毒水、滴露等,滴在浴缸中,對水消毒。


Oh! I just drop in on him for a chat. - 哦,我只是順便來和他聊聊天。

Then drop it into the water. - 然後把它扔到水 。

Next time you are in town, drop me a line. - 下次你在城裡的時候給我寫信吧。

I can't drop the price any further, the owner doesn't allow it. - 我不能再進一步砍價了,賣主不肯讓步。

As soon as I get to Guangzhou, I'll drop you a line. - 我一到達廣州,就給你寫信。

For one thing,I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. - 首先,我得去銀行取一些錢。

The first thing on the agenda is the drop in sales. - 在議程上第一件事就是銷售額下降了。

Don't drop that bottle on the floor. - 別讓那只瓶子掉到地上。

She fears Tom will drop out of school. - 她擔心湯姆會休學。

You'll drop it, if you don't teke care. - 你不專心的話,就會掉下。

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. - 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。

Could you drop me off at the airport? - 你能載我到機場嗎?

Don't drop it!PENNY: Don't put there, Sam.Put it here, on this shelf. - 別放在那兒,薩姆。放在這兒,這個架子上。

As far as I could see, it needed only a minor adjustment: a turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new. - 在我看來,只需稍加調整即可。這兒緊緊螺絲,那兒固定一下,再加幾滴油,就會像新的一樣了。

As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, - 由於製造一塊芯片的時間已縮短至幾天,費用也只有幾百美元,

Sure, just drop in my office some time and pick them up. - 沒問題,什麼時候到我辦公室來拿都可以。

Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor. - 唔,每一次晚上回來時,你都把鞋子丟在地板上。

Please drop the other shoe! - 請丟下另一隻鞋吧!

You might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil. - 否則,你可能 被燒傷,也可能把起火的油鍋扔掉。

I'm changing my hotel. I'll drop in and leave the new address. - 我就要換一家旅館了。我會順便再來一趟,把新地址留下來的。

Could I drop in at your house after the concert, or would that be too late? - 我可不可以在音樂會開完後去你家拜訪?那會不會太晚了?

If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money. - 要是你讓他身上的血流下一滴,你將失去你所有的土地和財產。

You must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall. - 你必須割下整一磅肉,不准多也不准少。而且不准流一滴血。


drop out - 信號丟失

n. drop test - 衝擊實驗

n. drop hammer - 吊錘

drop method; dropmethod - 垂滴法

murphyforgues drop apparatus - 墨菲-福格氏滴管

urinary drop spectrometer - 尿滴分光計

open drop anesthesia - 開放點滴麻醉

cardioptosis; drop heart; dropheart - 心臟下垂

drop heart; pendulous heart - 懸垂心

drop culture; dropculture; hanging drop culture - 懸滴培養

direct transmission; directtransmission; hanging drop method - 懸滴法

n. board drop hammer - 木柄摩擦落錘

n. board drop hammer - 木柄麻擦落錘

n. air lift drop hammer - 氣升式落錘

drop method; dropmethod; spot method; spotmethod - 滴入法

drop counter - 滴定計數器

drop generator nebulizer - 滴式噴霧器

drop counlter; stalagmometer - 滴數計

n. drop feed carburizing - 滴注式滲碳

n. drop feed carburizing - 滴注式滲碳法

drop shaped; dropshaped; guttate - 滴狀的

blood drop stain - 滴落血痕

drop error - 滴誤差

drop weight method - 滴重法

drop reaction - 點滴反應

drop reaction paper - 點滴反應紙

drop technique - 點滴技術

drop indicator - 點滴指示劑

drop method; dropmethod; spot method; spotmethod - 點滴法

drop beat - 結代

ablation; amotic; come off; drop out; exfoliation; odontoptosis - 脫落

blood drop stain - 落下血痕

drop percussion; drp stroke percussion - 落槌叩診

n. drop impact test - 落錘衝擊試驗

n. drop test - 落錘實驗

n. drop weight tear test - 落錘扯裂試驗工

n. drop method - 落錘法

n. drop forging - 落鍛

n. drop die - 落鍛模

plasma drop culture - 血漿懸滴培養法

drop recorder - 計滴器

infusion drop monitor - 輸液滴量監視器

drop number method - 量滴法

drop number method - 量電法

n. static water drop test - 靜水降試驗

n. air drop hammer - 風動落錘


n.足垂病,踝下垂 - ankle drop

點滴麻醉面罩 - anesthetic drop mask

n.滴落血痕,落下血痕 - blood drop stain

連續動脈注療法 - continuous arterial drop therapy

n.醋酸可的松滴眼液 - cortisone acetate eye drop

尿淋漓 - drop by drop urination

釉質瘤,釉珠 - enamel drop

n.滴眼劑 - eye drop

滴眼瓶 - eye drop bottle

n.脂肪滴 - fat drop

n.初滴 - first drop

n.懸滴 - hanging drop

懸滴裝置 - hanging drop apparatus

n.懸滴培養 - hanging drop culture

n.懸滴法 - hanging drop method

懸滴培養技術 - hanging drop technique

n.輸液滴量監視器 - infusion drop monitor

消炎眼藥水 - Interl eye drop

靜脈降溫治療 - intravenous drop therapy

n.墨菲-福格氏滴管 - murphyforgues drop apparatus

滴鼻液,滴鼻劑 - nasal drop

n.淨溫度降 - net temperature drop

開放式點滴 - open drop

n.開放點滴麻醉 - open drop anesthesia

開放式點滴法 - open drop method

生理性落果 - physiological fruit drop

n.血漿懸滴培養法 - plasma drop culture

n.勢降 - potential drop

n.壓降 - pressure drop

滴眼用溶解液 - solution of eye drop

n.急劇下降 - sudden drop

淚滴細胞 - tear drop cell

體溫下降,溫度下降 - temperature drop

n.尿滴分光計 - urinary drop spectrometer

n.垂腕 - wrist drop

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