





Studies on Functional Component and Its Functional Effects of Chufa 荸薺功能因子及其功能效果的研究;functional performance 功能性能;使用性能;功能績效;功能特性;functional domain 功能域;釋義:功能性領域;functional districts 城市功能分區;aligned functional 並列泛函數;


1.This paper introduces a new gradation theory of electrical negativity-spin-polarized density functional theory non spin-polarized density functional theory. 本文介紹一種新的電負性標度理論——非自旋極化密度函數理論和自施極化密度函數理論。

2.An adjustable folding mount is presented in this paper. It is a multi-functional device for one or more patients infusions, continuous traction and functional training, and life nursing etc. 報導了一種折疊調節式多功能支架。它可用於一個或多個患者輸液,持續牽引和功能訓練,以及生活護理等。英文翻譯,英語。

3.Very few studies on functional block structure were reported, consequently, the structure design of functional blocks was selected as the research object in this paper. 目前很少有人對功能塊進行研究,因此,本論文選擇功能塊的結構設計作為研究對象。

4.To optimize the structure of functional material, it is helpful to analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the functional properties. 分析內因與外因兩方面影響因素對材料功能特性的影響有助於優化功能材料的結構。

5.Based on the concept of graded functional material, the graded functional filter paper (FGFP) was proposed to meet the demands of high quality filter paper in China. 以梯度功能為設計思想提出並制備了具有梯度結構的過濾紙。


functional defect of neutrophilic granulocytes - 中性粒細胞功能缺陷

functional curve of systemic circulation - 體循環功能曲線

secretory functional disturbance - 分泌功能障礙

functional compensation - 功能代償

functional position - 功能位

plaster bandage in functional position - 功能位石膏

functional classification - 功能分類

functional unit - 功能單位

functional group - 功能團

functional group retention index - 功能團保留指數

functional form - 功能型

functional gene - 功能基因

functional group - 功能基團

functional reduction - 功能復位

functional layer - 功能層

functional hypoglycemia - 功能性低血糖症

functional residual air - 功能性餘氣

functional immunity - 功能性免疫

functional bleeding - 功能性出血

functional refractory period - 功能性反應期

functional change - 功能性變化

functional syncytium - 功能性合胞體

functional reduction - 功能性復位

functional aphonia - 功能性失聲音症

functional headache - 功能性頭痛疼

functional hallucination - 功能性幻覺

functional antibody deficiency - 功能性抗體缺陷

functional antigen - 功能性抗原

functional sphincter incoordination - 功能性括約肌失調

functional systolic murmur - 功能性收縮期雜音

functional premature beat - 功能性早搏

functional murmur - 功能性雜音

functional residual capacity - 功能性殘餘氣量

functional residual capacity - 功能性殘氣量

functional electrical stimulation - 功能性電刺激

functional disease; functional disorder; functional illness - 功能性疾病

functional dysmenorrhea - 功能性痛經

functional mucosa - 功能性粘膜

functional psychosis - 功能性精神病

functional extracelluar fluid volume - 功能性細胞外液容量

functional deafness - 功能性聾

functional hypertrophy - 功能性肥大

functional insuloma - 功能性胰島細胞腺瘤

functional scoliosis - 功能性脊柱側凸

functional lumbago - 功能性腰背痛

functional diarrhea - 功能性腹瀉

functional proteinuria - 功能性蛋白尿

functional hematuria - 功能性血尿

functional aerobic impairment - 功能性需氧障礙

functional prepubertal castration syndrome - 功能性青春期前閹割綜合征


n.肩臂功 - acromiobrachial functional training

n.肩臂功 - acromiobraschial functional training

n.心功能代償 - cardiac functional compensation

n.心功能代償期 - cardiac functional compensatory period

n.心功能失代償期 - cardiac functional decompensatory period

n.心功能不全 - cardiac functional insufficiency

n.聯合機能試驗 - combine functional test

n.心臟功能活動減退 - declining functional activities of the heart

n.消化功能障礙 - digestive functional disturbance

n.氣機不利 - disorder of functional activities of qi

肝功能削弱 - liver functional impairment

n.胰功能試驗 - pancreatic functional test

n.功能位石膏 - plaster bandage in functional position

血小極功能紊亂 - platelet functional disorder

血小極功能測試方法 - platelet functional test method

n.開胃 - promoting functional activity of stomach

n.限制性通氣障礙 - restrictive ventilatory functional disturbance

n.分泌功能障礙 - secretory functional disturbance

n.陽氣 - the functional aspect of internal organs

n.植物神經功能紊亂 - vegetative nerve functional disturbance

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