majorcann. 馬略卡人;馬略卡語adj. 馬略卡島的(位於西班牙東部);馬略卡人的
1.One can see them quite frequently in the Majorcan mountains. 在馬略卡的山上到處都可以看到野山羊。
2.The level of his play at the Olympic Tennis Centre, as it has been for the past six months, was astounding but the Majorcan powerhouse is still not satisfied. 他在奧林匹克網球中心展現出的水平,就像他過去六個月那樣令人驚訝,然而,這座馬略卡發電站仍然不滿意。
3.The level of his play at the Olympic Tennis Centre, as it has been for the past six months, was astounding but the Majorcan powerhouse is still not satisfied. 他在奧林匹克網球中心所表現出來的水準,和過去的六個月一樣令人驚歎,但是這位精力旺盛的馬盧卡人依然不滿意。