





n. cancela. innate ,instinctive ,lifelike ,raw


a. artificial ,flat ,supernatural ,unnatural


natural['nætʃərəl]adj. 自然的;物質的;天生的;不做作的n. 自然的事情;白癡;[音]本位音


natural 自然的;自然的,天然的;自然的,天然的,固有的;自然面;natural fabric 天然纖維;整理袋;天然纖維 服裝類型英語;天然纖維;Natural heritage 自然遺產;自然遺產;天然財產;天然遺產;natural disaster 自然災害;天然災害;自然災難;自然災害 自然災害;natural law 自然法;自然律;自然定律;自然法則;


1.I like natural hair, I wash it every day. 我喜歡自然的頭髮,我每天清洗乾淨它。

2.Remember that these weaknesses are natural. 記住這些弱點是天生的。

3.Now you are hurting me. I like everything natural. 現在你傷到我了。我只喜歡天然的東西。


It's only natural that if I care about Michelle - 假如我關心 Michelle

then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. - 然後再往北去自然歷史博物館。

or the Museum of Natural History. - 或自然歷史博物館。

at the Museum of Natural History. - 在自然歷史博物館。

There are many natural catastroophes occurring in nature. - 自然界裡有很多自然災害發生。

I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。

The more natural it will become. - 它們就會變得越自然。

My country is rich in natural resources. - 我國自然資源豐富。

The country is rich in natural resources.It has mineral deposits. - 這個國家有豐富自然的資源。它有很多的礦床。

There is a natural coyness about her behavior. - 她的舉止令人有種自然的羞答答的感覺。

This nation is noted for its natural resources. - 這個國家以天然資源聞名。

Dying is as natural as living. - 死亡與生存一樣自然。

The lake was not a natural one, but a man-made reservoir. - 這不是一個天然湖泊,是一座人工修建的水庫。

This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, - 這種兔子在澳大利亞及新西蘭沒有天敵,

Porpoises and sharks are natural enemies. - 海豚和鯊魚是天然仇敵,

These ocean waves are among the earth's most complicated natural phenomena, - 這些海浪屬於地球上最複雜的自然現象。

The undulating waves of the open sea are generated by three natural causes: - 海浪是由三個自然因素形成的:

that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe. - 有智力的生命必然是宇宙的自然組成部分。

It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; - 這個頻率是空間氫原子釋放的自然頻率,是在1951年被人類發現的。

and probably with rather similar natural resources. - 氣候相似,自然資源也可能相似。

Their life is a natural harmony. - 他們的生活是一種自然的和諧,

What about the Natural History Museum? So far as I know, it's free. - 去自然歷史博物館怎麼樣?據我所知,那兒是免費的。

New Zealand, with its natural beauty, mountains, rivers and National Parks, attracts tourists from all over the world. - 新西蘭以其自然風光、群山、河流以及國家公園,吸引著世界各地的遊人。

This is because they had no natural enemies until the arrival of humans and therefore did not need to develop flying wings. - 這是因為人類到達這裡之前,這些鳥沒有天敵,因此,它們不需要發育飛行的翅膀。


n. noncombustible natural gas - 不燃自然氣體

natural abode - 習生地

inspection of natural hue of face - 五色診

death die a natural death - 享盡天年

six kinds of natural factors; the six natural factorts - 六氣

n. natural steel - 初生硬度鋼

n. natural pressure cycle - 固有壓力循環

natural period - 固有週期

intrinsic vibration; natural vibration - 固有振動

natural frequency - 固有頻率

natural enemy - 天敵

natural abundance - 天然丰度

natural emulsifier - 天然乳化劑

natural catalyst - 天然催化劑

autarcesis; natural immunity; naturalimmunity - 天然免疫

autarcesis; inherited immunity; natural immunity; naturalimmunity - 天然免疫性

natural agglutinin - 天然凝集素

natural isoagglutinin - 天然同族凝集素

natural isohemagglutinin - 天然同種血細胞凝集素

natural medium - 天然培養基

natural infection - 天然感染

natural antibody; naturalantibody - 天然抗體

natural resistance - 天然抵抗力

natrual radioactivity; natural radioactivity - 天然放射性

natural radioactive element - 天然放射性元素

natural radionuclide - 天然放射性核素

natural radioactive background - 天然放射本底

natural radioactive series - 天然放射系

natural back-ground radiation; natural background radiation - 天然本底輻射

natural killercell - 天然殺傷細胞

natural mark - 天然標誌

n. natural resin binder - 天然樹脂粘結劑

natural gas - 天然氣

analysis of natural gas - 天然氣分析

n. combustible natural gas deposit - 天然氣沉澱

natural water source - 天然水源

analysis of natural gas mixtures - 天然混合物分析

natural products - 天然物

chemistry of natural products - 天然物化學

n. natural electrode - 天然電極

n. natural electrode - 天然石墨電極

n. natural electrode potential - 天然石墨電極電位

n. natural sand - 天然砂

n. natural silica sand - 天然硅砂

natural latex agglutination inhibition test - 天然膠乳凝集抑制試驗

natural thymocyte poisonous antibody - 天然胸腺細胞毒性抗體

natural active immunity - 天然自動免疫

natural drug - 天然藥物

natural passive immunity - 天然被動免疫

n. natural steel - 天然鋼


n.天然氣分析 - analysis of natural gas

n.天然混合物分析 - analysis of natural gas mixtures

n.天然物化學 - chemistry of natural products

n.自然照度係數 - coefficient of natural illumination

n.自然采光係數 - coefficient of natural lighting

n.溶細胞性自然殺傷細胞 - cytolytic natural killer cell

n.享盡天年 - death die a natural death

n.自然死亡 - died a natural death

n.自然疫源地 - focus of natural infection

n.五色診 - inspection of natural hue of face

液化天然氣 - liquefied natural gas

n.六氣 - six kinds of natural factors

n.六氣 - the six natural factorts

自然選擇學說,自然選擇理論 - theory of natural selection


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