





a. nonpolitical


political[pə'litikəl]adj. 政治的;黨派的


political 政治的;政治;政治環境;政治的,行政的;political fugitive 政治逃犯;POLITICAL PARTY 政黨;黨派;黨;political risk 政治風險;政治風險;政治風險。;上一篇:政治風險;Political Counselor 政務參贊;政務參贊 成人高考;政治參事;


1.All three of these political leaders are legitimate candidates for president. 全部三位政治領導人都是合法的總統候選人。

2.Their focus is very personal and they deal less with social, political or economic themes. 他們的焦點是非常個人化的,很少涉及社會的、政治的、經濟的話題。

3.If you plan to do it before you are 50, then you can build your political career a step at a time. 如果你計劃在50歲達到這個目標,那你現在就可以一步一個腳印的發展自己的政治生涯。


Many people doubt this candidate's political motivation. - 許多人對這位候選人的政治目的表示懷疑。

He was involved in a political scandal. - 他被牽涉到了一宗政治醜聞中。

We need a stable political environment in which to develop our economy. - 我們需要一個穩定政治環境來發展經濟。

He doesn't like to talk about political matters. - 他不喜歡談政治的事情。

Unless there is a sudden change of political situation, it is not accepted to execute the contract only partially. - 除非有什麼突然的政局變化,否則執行部分合同不能被接受。

To organize a new political party - 組織新政黨

Last year I studied sociology and political science in school. - 去年,我在學校攻讀了社會學和政治學課程。

This nation is noted for its political stability. - 這個國家以政治穩定聞名。

Who is the leader of this political party? - 誰是這政黨的首領?

He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. - 他現在退出了政界,到國外去了。

He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad! - 他已經退出了政界去國外了!」

Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. - 常人軼事往往比政治事件更能引起公眾注意。

A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. - 議會內有一個代表各政黨利益的委員會,由它委派一位稱職的人選專門調查個人對國家的意見。

The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. - 司法特派員不受任何政治壓力的制約。

Other Indians were killed when police officers fiercely attacked their political marches. - 警察官員們猛烈攻擊印度人的政治遊行時,另一些印度人被殺害。

He had a gift for thinking up ways of making political points. - 他有一種天賦,能想出很多辦法闡明其政治觀點。

In the end this political movement succeeded and Indians were allowed to make and sell salt. - 但最終這場政治運動以印度人獲准生產與銷售鹽而告成功。

Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader. - 甘地遠不只是一位聰明的律師,優秀的演說家,堅定的人權戰士與政治領導人。

He was a model of a different kind of political leader. - 他還是一個與從不同的政治領袖的典範。

Above all, he refused to make any personal gain from his political work. - 尤其是,他拒絕從所從事的政治事業中謀取個人利益。

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