n. division ,plane section ,segment ,subdivisionv. segment
section['sekʃən]n. 截面;部門;地區;章節vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt. 把…分段;將…切片;對…進行劃分
section 截面;型材;剖面;縱切面;section supervisor 課長;課長 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;科長;Critical Section 臨界區;關鍵部分;臨界截面;關鍵區段;longitudinal section 縱切面;縱截面;縱切面,縱切片;縱剖面;hollow section 空心截面;空心管;通」;空心型鋼;
1.the street that sections for watch 為便於監視而分成若干段的街道
2.Life Guidance Section. 生活輔導組「,」
3.Doctors found cancer cell in the section. 醫生在切片上發現了癌細胞。
In what section can I find mouthwash? - 我在哪個購物區能找到漱口水呢?
What section is the car parked in? ? - 車停在哪兒?
Look in the real-estate section of Sunday's Times. - 查一查星期天的 紐約時報 房地產版。
I've been through every section with you, Richard. - 我和你一起檢視過每個部分, Richard。
In the section on culture, - 在文化這部分,
This lady is sweeping the section of sidewalk that her husbands forget. - 這位女人在打掃丈夫忘記打掃的人行道。
The doctors removed a section of the mummy and sent it to a laboratory. - 醫生們從木乃伊身上取下一個切片,送去化驗。
The team started work on a new section inside the ship near the front. - 工作隊在靠近船頭的船艙裡的一段新區開始工作。
section engine arm - 三節機臂
n. geologic columnar section of a well - 井的地質柱狀部分
n. section sensitivity - 分段靈敏度
section ribbon - 切片帶
section staining; sectionstaining - 切片染色
section preparation - 切片標本
section cutting; sectioncutting; sectioning - 切片法
section of ovary - 卵巢剖面
n. thick section steel - 厚斷面鋼
n. throat section area - 喉部截面積
n. composite section blanking dies - 複合型材下料模
n. composite section blanking dies - 複合型材沖孔模
n. composite section blanking dies - 復合軋材下料模
macro ionization cross section detector - 大電離截面檢測器
micro cross section detector - 微截面檢測器
cross section ionization detector - 截面積電離檢測器
n. modulus of section of beam - 斷面係數
n. cross section of wood - 木截面
n. cross section of wood - 木材橫斷面
n. modulus of section of beam - 梁的斷面模量
transvrse section image - 橫軸斷面顯像
n. throat section area - 爐喉斷面積
ionization cross section detector - 電離截面檢測器
horizontal section of eyeball - 眼球水平切面
longitudinal section of eyeball - 眼球縱切面
n. composite section blanking die - 組合式落料模
n. section metal - 軋制金屬
n. section steel - 軋制鋼
n. lightweight section steel - 輕型斷面鋼
n. heavy section iron casting - 重部分鑄鐵
n. geologic columnar section of a drilling hole - 鑽孔的地質柱狀部分
n.腹式剖腹產術 - abdominal cesarean section
吸收截面 - absorption cross section
n.活化截面 - activation cross section
n.活性區 - active section
n.運算器 - arithmetic section
橫軸截面,軸位橫切面 - axial transverse section
平衡斷面 - balanced cross section
身體截面X線照相法,人體斷面X線攝影術 - body section roentgenography
帝切 - caesarean section
斷面捕獲,捕捉斷面 - capture cross section
n.火棉膠切片 - celloidin section
n.剖腹產術 - cesaream section
n.剖腹產,剖腹取子術 - cesarean section
n.古典式剖腹產術,子宮體切開剖腹產術 - classic cesarean section
經典剖腹產術 - classical cesarean section
n.冠狀面 - coronal section
n.古典式剖腹產術 - corporeal cesarean section
n.橫斷面,橫切面;n.截面 - cross section
n.截面積電離檢測器 - cross section ionization detector
微分截面積 - differential cross section
選擇性剖腹產術 - elective cesarean section
n.腹膜外剖腹產術 - extraperitoneal cesarean section
n.徒手切片 - freehand section
n.額切面 - frontal section
n.冰凍切片 - frozen section
水平斷面,水平截面 - horizontal section
n.眼球水平切面 - horizontal section of eyeball
失活交叉部分 - inactivation cross section
n.電離截面檢測器 - ionization cross section detector
n.剖腹產後晚期出血 - late-postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section
n.腹膜外剖腹產術 - latzkos cesarean section
n.縱切面,縱切片 - longitudinal section
n.眼球縱切面 - longitudinal section of eyeball
縱切掃瞄,長軸斷層 - longitudinal section scan
縱切掃瞄,長軸斷層 - longitudinal section scanning
子宮頸下段剖腹產術,子宮頸下 - low cervial cesarean section
n.低位子宮頸剖腹產 - low cervical caesarean section
低位子宮頸剖腹產術,子宮下段剖腹產術 - low cervical cesarean section
n.下段剖腹產術 - lower segment cesarean section
n.子宮下部剖腹產 - lower uterine caesarian section
n.淋巴結切片 - lymph node section
n.大電離截面檢測器 - macro ionization cross section detector
主要部分 - main section
邊緣部分(科) - margin section
n.正中縱切面 - median longitudinal section
n.正中切面,正中切片 - median section
n.微截面檢測器 - micro cross section detector
顯微橫斷面 - microscopic cross section
n.剖腹位產鉗 - obstetrical forceps for cesarean section
n.光學切面 - optic section