subjectivism[səb'dʒektivizəm]n. 主觀主義;主觀性
subjectivism 主觀主義;judiciM subjectivism 稅權和司法主觀主義;anthropomorphic subjectivism 擬人論的主觀主義;individualistic subjectivism 體主觀主義;Subjectivism Photography 主觀主義攝影;
1.However, its too much stress on hypothesis made it prone to subjectivism and skepticism. 但由於其方法過於注重假設,易傾向於主觀主義、懷疑主義。
2.It means that, guided by Marxism, we should break the fetters of habit, subjectivism and prejudice, and study new situations and solve new problems. 我們講解放思想,是指在馬克思主義指導下打破習慣勢力和主觀偏見的束縛,研究新情況,解決新問題。
3.Human subjectivism is the human centered human centralism which plays leading role and has the dominant position on the relation of human and nature. 在人與自然的關係中處於支配地位發揮主導作用的是以人為中心的人類中心主義——人類主體主義。