





n. brainpower ,einstein ,encephalon ,head


brain[brein]n. 頭腦,智力;腦袋vt. 猛擊…的頭部


Brain 腦;大腦;腦力;腦子;Brain Attack 腦部侵襲;腦發作;腦部侵蝕;錄了二首;electronic brain 電腦;電子計算機;電子腦;電〔子〕腦,電子計算機;Brain Tracy 博恩崔西;博恩·崔西;特雷西;brain vesicle 腦泡;即腦泡;腦胞;

brain的參考例句 brain the monkey with a heavy rock 用一塊大石頭把猴頭砸爛

2.Right. This is the way of brain storming. 是的,這根本就是頭腦風暴的方法。

3.Prevent brain damage caused by the injury. 防止由大腦傷害造成的損傷。


I'd like to use my brain a little more. - 我想多用用我的腦子。

She has both a good brain and beauty. - 她才貌雙全。

My brain doesn't seem to be working well today. - 我的頭腦今天好像不太靈光。

An idle brain is the devil's workshop. - 游手好閒是萬惡之源。

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. - 智力投資,決非虛擲。

The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. - 大腦需要連續不斷地供血。

If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. - 如果睡眠的功能不是在於使身體得到休息,那麼也許是讓大腦得以休息?若不是下面兩點,這種假使似乎是有道理的。

First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, - 第一點,腦電圖記錄儀(不過是一種把電極接到頭皮上記錄腦電活動的儀器)顯示,人在睡眠時大腦活動的方式有變化,

Mr Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert. - 佈雷恩先生剛聽了鄭傑在音樂會上的鋼琴演奏。

A week later, Mr Brain rang Zheng Jie and spoke to a friend of his. - 一周以後,佈雷恩先生打電話給鄭傑,接電話的是鄭傑的一位朋友。

Just this one. Here it is. John Brain rang. - 就只這一個,是約翰·佈雷恩打來的。這個留言條給你。

Is Mr Brain in? - 佈雷恩先生在家嗎?


brain tonic mixture - 健腦合劑

excision of brain tumor by cryosurgical method - 冷凍外科法腦瘤切除術

cold brain area - 冷腦區

primitive brain vesicle - 原始腦泡

organic brain syndrome - 器質性腦綜合征

traumatic defect of brain meninges - 外傷性腦膜缺損

brain scanning - 大腦掃瞄術

brain death; irreversible coma - 大腦死亡

brain tire - 大腦疲憊

brain pan; skull - 頭顱

open brain in ury; open cerebral injure - 開放性腦損傷

frei antigen; mouse brain antigen - 弗賴氏抗原

minimal brain damage syndrome - 微細腦損傷綜合症

chronic organic brain syndrome - 慢性腦器質性綜合征

cbs; chronic brain syndrome - 慢性腦綜合征

brain injury in newborn - 新生兒大腦損傷

light brain retractor - 照明腦室鉤

brain center - 腦中樞

brain hemostatic forceps - 腦側穹止血鉗

transdermal brain chemode - 腦內化學電極

brain curete - 腦刮匙

brain function determination - 腦功能測定

brain pressure - 腦壓

brain depressor - 腦壓匙

brain spatula - 腦壓板

brain spatula forceps - 腦壓板鑷

brain hypertension - 腦壓過高

symptom of brain hypertension - 腦壓過高症狀

brain scans - 腦同位素掃瞄

brain suction tube - 腦吸引管

brain selfretaining retractor - 腦固定牽開器

brain pan - 腦殼

brain trauma - 腦外傷

brain operating instruments set - 腦外科刀包

brain clips - 腦夾

brain trocar - 腦套管針

brain stem - 腦幹

chemoreceptors in brain stem - 腦幹內化學感受器

hemorrhage of brain stem - 腦幹出血

brain stem potential; bsp - 腦幹電位

displacement of brain stem - 腦幹移位

brain stem encephalitis - 腦幹腦炎

brain toxoplasmosis - 腦弓形體

brain heart infusion - 腦心浸液

brain scanning - 腦掃瞄

brain contusion - 腦挫傷

brain injury - 腦損傷

brain detector - 腦探測器

brain exploring cannula - 腦探測套管

brain dressing forceps - 腦敷料鑷


n.腦異常 - abnormalities of brain

急性腦綜合征,急性氣器性腦綜合征 - acute brain syndrome

n.腦不發育 - agenesis of brain

阿爾察默病 - Alzheimer diseased brain

n.腦蛛網膜 - arachnoid of brain

腦神經系科學技術的有關研究 - Basic Policy for Promotion of Sci. and Technology on the Brain and Nerve System

n.腦活組織檢查 - biosy of brain tissue

出生時腦損傷,分娩時腦損傷 - birth injury to brain

n.腦黑色變性 - black degeneration of brain

n.血腦屏障 - blood brain barrier

n.腦血管 - blood vessel of brain

n.腦側角咬骨鉗 - bone rongeur with angled sideway for brain

n.腦被 - capsules of brain

n.腦化學刺激 - chemical stimulation of brain

n.腦幹內化學感受器 - chemoreceptors in brain stem

n.慢性腦綜合征 - chronic brain syndrome

n.慢性腦器質性綜合征 - chronic organic brain syndrome

n.腦局限性萎縮 - circumscribed atrophy of brain

n.閉合性腦損傷 - closed injury of brain

n.冷腦區 - cold brain area

腦震盪 - commotion of brain

n.腦壓迫征 - compression of brain

n.腦震盪 - concussion of brain

n.內動腦髓 - concussion of the brain

n.腦充血 - congestion of the brain

n.對沖性腦挫傷 - contrecoup contusion of brain

n.對沖性腦撕裂創 - contrecoup laceration of brain

n.腦挫裂傷 - contusion and laceration of brain

腦挫傷 - contusion of brain

腦死標準 - criteria of brain death

死後腦 - dead brain

n.腦幹移位 - displacement of brain stem

體外分離腦 - disembodied brain

n.硬腦膜 - dura mater of brain

n.腦棘球蚴病 - echinococcosis of brain

n.腦電活動 - electrical activity of brain

n.腦的電刺激 - electrical stimulation of the brain

n.端腦 - end brain

實驗性腦瘤 - experimental brain tumor

n.腦膿腫切除術 - excision of brain abscess

n.腦組織切除術 - excision of brain tissue

n.冷凍外科法腦瘤切除術 - excision of brain tumor by cryosurgical method

n.腦內寄生蟲病損切除術 - excision of parasitic lesion of brain

n.顱內結核性肉芽腫切除術 - excision of tuberculous granuloma of brain

n.腦脂肪栓塞 - fat empbolism of brain

腦漿 - fluid in brain

n.大腦功能區 - functional area of brain

n.血原性腦膿腫 - hematogenous brain abscess

n.腦幹出血 - hemorrhage of brain stem

n.腦棘球蚴病 - hydatid disease of brain


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