illegal access error illegal access exception 非法訪問出錯;illegal dismount 違規落下;illegal alien 非法移民;法外異鄉客;非法居留者 非法拘留者;非法居留者;Illegal Archaeologists 非法的考古學家;准楊腔蕉嘉悝模;aid and abet an illegal immigrant 協助及教唆非法入境者;協助及教唆非法入境者 公安;
1.Labour illegal activity and criminality can be divided into illegal and criminal type; pure illegal typo; 勞動用工違法犯罪的行為可以分為違法犯罪類型、單純違法類型和模糊行為類型;
2.It consists of three parts: definition of illegal consciousness, constitution of illegal consciousness and value of illegal consciousness. 本文主要分為違法性認識的界定、違法性認識的構造、違法性認識的價值三個部分。
3.Fraud is the purposive behavior that someone takes in order to gain illegal benefits through using illegal methods. 舞弊通常是指為獲得非法利益採用不法手段所實施的故意行為。
4.5The Party B will not store or keep any illegal explosive or inflammable goods within the property. No illegal activity. 5乙方不得在該房屋內存儲任何非法、或易燃易爆物品,並不得從事非法活動。
5.The article discussed the identification of illegal medicine practice in China and the barriers of illegal medicine practice and legal medicine practice. 論述了我國相關法律法規對非法行醫行為的認定,以及非法行醫與合法行醫之間的界定;
Is it illegal to tap a telephone for the purpose of secretly recording a conversation? - 為了秘密地錄下談話,在電話內裝置竊聽器是違法的行為嗎?