





n. dozens ,gobs ,heaps ,lashings


lots[lɔts]n. 大量,許多;一堆;命運(lot的複數)adv. [口]很,非常v. 抽籤;分組;把(土地)劃分成塊(lot的三單形式)


Lots 批次;營業用地;很多;批量;Lots Confused 批次混亂;lots cargo 大宗貨;整批貨;car lots 貨車到站數;across lots 抄小路;走捷徑;


1.That time we had lots of fun. 那個時候我們有很多的樂趣。

2.Patience. Lots and lots and lots of patience. 最重要是要有許多,許多,許多耐性。

3.I go skiing every weekend in winter, so I meet lots of interesting people. 冬天時,每個週末我都會去滑雪,並且會遇見許多有趣的人。


Oh, I see. I've had lots of work to do in New York. - 哦,原來如此。我在紐約也有好多工作要做。

There are lots of places to go, - 有很多地方要去,

We need to do lots of laundry. Do we have enough detergent? - 咱們得洗好多衣服呢。有足夠多的洗滌劑嗎?

Don't forget to take lots of pictures. - 別忘了照些照片。

I have lots of hobbies. I love to stay busy. - 我有很多愛好,我喜歡讓自己忙著。

I'm paying lots of money for you, so you'd better do well. - 我為你花了那麼多錢,所以你要好好幹。

We've got lots of ice cream. - 我們有很多冰淇淋。

There's lots of food left. - 這裡還剩下很多食物。

Yeah, we caught lots of them. Look! - 當然 我們抓到不少魚。看!

Ginger ale with lots of ice for me, thank you. - 薑汁,多加些冰塊,謝謝。

And a ginger ale with lots of ice. - 一份薑汁,加很多冰塊。

You have lots of time to decide. - 你有很多時間做決定。

And lots of pages for Richard's photos of Max. - 有好多頁可用來貼Richard給Max拍的照片。

There are lots of things for her here. - 這裡有許多適合她的東西。

And they have lots of clip-on bow ties. - 而且他們有許多夾上去的領結。

There's lots of time. - 時間多得很。

Ping-Pong tables, soda machines, and lots of music. - 乒乓球, 汽水販賣機, 熱鬧的音樂。

I had lots of fun tonight. - 今晚我玩得很開心。

You've got lots of time to improve your English. - 你已經花了好多時間去提高你的英語水平。

On New Year's Eve, people usually cook lots of good dishes. - 在大年夜,人們常常做很多好吃的。

The little car has lots of room. - 這小汽車有許多空間。

The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge. - 同時通譯者需要許多的智慧和知識。

Look, the falling leaves are all yellow. Lots of fallen leaves make the road yellow. - 看那飄零的落葉,都是黃色的,黃色的落葉鋪滿的路面。

There are lots of huge buildings in Beijing. - 在北京有許多高大的建築物。

He himself has done it lots of times! - 他自己就已戒了很多次了!

So, ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do? - 因此,大西洋兩岸的企業都在問,當一套測試可以解決問題時,為什麼需要兩套呢?

No, we can ship in lots of any size. - 沒有,任何數量都可以出貨。

Sure! We picked lots of apples. - 當然記得了!我們摘了很多蘋果。

You need to wear lots of warm clothes. - 人們要穿很多的保暖的衣服。

They picked lots of bananas, and took them back to the boat. - 他們搞了很多香蕉,並帶回船上。

Look at Mr Fat. He was very rich. He had lots of money. - 瞧胖先生。他很富。他有很多錢。

I'm rich, so I can buy myself lots of good things! - 「我很富,所以我能給自己買許許多多的好東西!」

So he couldn't buy himself lots of good things. But he had lots of friends instead. - 所以他不能給自己買很多好東西。可是他卻有許多朋友。

Of course he is. He's very successful. He's made lots of records. They broadcast a programme of his music last month on the radio. Why don't you come on Saturday? I think you'd enjoy it. - 當然啦!他很成功。他已經灌制了大量唱片。廣播電台上個月播放了他的一個音樂節目。你星期六幹嗎不去聽聽呢?我想你會喜歡他的。

Well, you just need lots of practice. The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. - 噢,你需要大量的練習。英語你聽的越多,就越容易聽懂。

The wooducutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him. - 伐木工人正站在一棵倒下的樹旁,他的前面有很多小片的木頭。

We've still got lots of them over there. - 那邊還有很多呢。

You've done very well and made lots of progress. - 你功課學得很好,進步很大。

You've got lots of old buildings in your country. - 你們國家有許多古老的建築物。

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