





n. atomic number 8 ,group o ,letter o ,oxygen


Oint. 哦,啊(表示驚訝、痛苦、恐懼、讚歎等)n. 零;英語字母中的第十五個字母symb. [化]氧(oxygen)


O Tannenbaum 聖誕樹;哦!針樅樹;下載聖誕樹;試聽下載歌詞聖誕樹;O fortuna 哦,命運;命運女神;噢 命運女神;哦,命運;O GABON 加蓬;O TOGO 多哥;o ring 圓形截面環;O 形?;


1.Carol: Yes. We could have it at 7 o'clock. 卡羅爾:馬上就好。7點鐘我們可以吃飯。

2.To enter a new user name and password, click Retry. 要輸入一個新的用戶名和密碼,單擊「重試」。

3.To Americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too. 對美國人而言,寵物不僅是財產而已,牠是家庭的一部分。畢竟,寵物也是人啊!


The temperature drops to -- 30 o and very few people attempt to cross the Pass. - 氣溫下降到零下30度,試圖跨越山口的人寥寥無幾。

It's seven o five. - 七點零五了。


o antigen; somatic antigen; somaticantigen - 不動型抗原

dimethylbenzidine; o to lidine; otolidine - 二甲基二氨基聯苯

copy o f film; duplicated film - 複製片

o nyong-nyong virus - 奧絨絨病毒

antistreptolysin o test - 抗鏈溶血素O試驗

antistreptolysin o test - 抗鏈溶血素o試驗

antistrptolysin o test; aso test - 抗鏈球菌溶血素O試驗

laceration o lacrimal canaliculis - 淚小管斷裂

sextirpation o caruncular tumor - 淚阜腫物摘除術

hypertrophy o fsalivary gland - 涎腺肥大

amputation o fvitreous cicatricial band - 玻璃體癜痕帶切斷術

regulating the function o the middle-jiao; regulating the function of the middle-jiao - 理中

ecision o fsubdural abscess - 硬腦膜下膿腫切除術

removal o fsubdural hydroma - 硬腦膜下膿腫引流術

ciliated cells o futerine tubes; ciliated cells of uterine tubes - 輸卵管纖毛細胞

fever due o yin deficiency; fever due to yin deficiency - 陰虛發熱

allylmercaptomethylpenicillin; almecillin; cer o cillin; cerocillin; penicillin o - 青黴素O

stomachache due o improper diet - 食滯脘痛

swelling and pain o the glans penis; swelling and pain of the glans penis - 龜頭腫痛

squamous cell carcinoma o fnasopharynx - 鼻咽鱗狀上皮細胞癌

polypoid degneration of sinus o fnose - 鼻竇息肉樣變性


n.玻璃體癜痕帶切斷術 - amputation o fvitreous cicatricial band

抗鏈溶素O,抗鏈球菌溶血素 - anti-streptolysin O

n.抗鏈球菌溶血素O,抗鏈溶素O;抗鏈溶素O,抗鏈溶素— - antistreptolysin o

n.抗鏈溶血素O試驗,抗鏈溶血素o試驗 - antistreptolysin o test

n.抗鏈球菌溶血素O試驗 - antistrptolysin o test

金胺O,槐黃 - auramine O

n.青黴素O - cer o cillin

n.輸卵管纖毛細胞 - ciliated cells o futerine tubes

n.複製片 - copy o f film

n.硬腦膜下膿腫切除術 - ecision o fsubdural abscess

n.陰虛發熱 - fever due o yin deficiency

n.涎腺肥大 - hypertrophy o fsalivary gland

n.淚小管斷裂 - laceration o lacrimal canaliculis

油紅O〔商品名〕 - oil red O

n.青黴素O,青黴素o - penicillin o

n.鼻竇息肉樣變性 - polypoid degneration of sinus o fnose

n.理中 - regulating the function o the middle-jiao

n.硬腦膜下膿腫引流術 - removal o fsubdural hydroma

n.淚阜腫物摘除術 - sextirpation o caruncular tumor

n.青黴素O鈉,烯丙硫甲青黴素鈉 - sodium penicillin o

n.鼻咽鱗狀上皮細胞癌 - squamous cell carcinoma o fnasopharynx

n.食滯脘痛 - stomachache due o improper diet

n.鏈溶素O,鏈溶素o;鏈球菌溶血素O - streptolysin o

n.龜頭腫痛 - swelling and pain o the glans penis

n.氯化妥龍;甲苯胺藍O - toluidine blue o

n.偶氮苯間二酚磺酸 - tropeolin o

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