phi[fai, fi:]n. 希臘文的第21個字母
PHI 飛利浦;菲律賓;荷蘭飛利浦公司;心理健康測查表;PHI Philippines 菲律賓;phi collins 柯林斯;phi scale 斐標度;phi' 成長表現指數;
1.NND, small mice even dare Phi Thai head groundbreaking God, today you die without Let the bodies! 小老鼠居然敢在太歲爺頭上動土,今天俺就讓你們死無葬身之地!
2.He presided over the huge student missionary conference held at Yale and served as president of the honor society Phi Beta Kappa. 他主持了一場在耶魯舉行的盛大的學生宣道大會,也是斐陶斐榮譽學會的會長。
3.Phi woman outside a bright cashmere shawl, barefoot wearing a pair of Japanese wooden sandals and a folder similar to toe slippers. 女子則在外面披一件鮮艷的羊絨披肩,赤腳穿一雙類似日本木屐的夾腳趾拖鞋。