Rawalpindi 拉瓦爾品第;Rawalpindi Collectorate of Customs 巴基斯坦拉瓦爾品第海關;Rawalpindi Presentation Convent 到了 拉瓦爾品第 修道院;Attock Refinery Ltd Rawalpindi 巴基斯坦 煉油廠;Pakistan Oil Fields Limited Rawalpindi 巴基斯坦 油庫;
1.Bhutto had just addressed a pre-election rally on Thursday in the garrison town of Rawalpindi when a suicide bomber blew himself up. 週四布托在駐防的拉瓦爾品第市剛對參加預選集會的民眾發表完演講,一個自殺式人體炸彈就突然爆炸。
2.Ahead of Ms Bhutto's death, both gold and oil had fallen to profit-taking, but both made rapid swings higher as events in Rawalpindi became known. 在布托死亡之前,黃金與石油的收益都有所下降,但現在兩者隨著拉瓦爾品第事件的消息擴散而轉高。
3.Pakistani boy stands on a pool of blood from a cow slaughtered to mark the beginning of the Muslim celebration, Eid al-Adha, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. 在拉瓦爾品第,巴基斯坦,一名巴基斯坦男孩站在牛被殺後留下的血泊中,屠宰牛標誌著穆斯林慶祝宰牲節的開始。
4.Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot hern the neck and set off a bomb. 貝布托夫人是伊斯蘭教國家的第一位女總理,在她離開拉瓦爾品第市的選舉現場時,被槍手射中脖子並遭遇炸彈襲擊。
5.Farmers in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan tractor cultivate or animal plough their fields on average 8 times from the beginning of the monsoon until wheat planting. 巴基斯坦拉瓦爾品第地區的農民從季風季節開始到種麥,平均用拖拉機或畜力犁耕翻8次土壤。