





DECISION OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS APPROVING THE PROPOSAL BY THE DRAFTING COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE BASIC LAW OF THE MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION UND 全國人民代表大會關於批准澳門特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會澳門特別行政區基本法委員會的建議的決定;Accumulation region 積累區;聚積區;achievable region 釋義:可達區域;可達區域;doped region 滲染區;葺半曝;Play Animation For Doodads In Region 播放矩形區域內物體動畫 播放在矩形區域內的同類可破壞物體的指定動畫;


1.Unified monetary policy, in the southeast region has the greatest effect, the central region and the norther region Secondly, Minimum in western region; 央行實施統一的貨幣政策,在東南地區產生的效應最大,中部地區和華北地區其次,西部地區最小。

2.The geologic hazards risk is partitioned into dense development region, middling development region, haphazard occurring region and occurring hardly region based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. 分區結果表明:災害密集發育區和災害中等密集發育區主要分佈在貴州省西南部及東北部的部分地區;

3.PZT; PT; the dielectric constant; the lattice distortion; tetragonal phase region; rhombohedral phase region; phase coexistence region. 介電常數;晶格畸變;四方相區;三角相區;混合相區。

4.The monsoon region of western North Pacific(WNP)(5°-25°N, 120°-160°E) is an important part of Asian-Pacific and Asian-Australian monsoon region, and is a distinct monsoon region. 西北太平洋季風區(5°~25°N,120°~160°E)是亞洲-太平洋季風區與亞洲-澳大利亞季風區的一個重要部分,也是一個獨立的季風區。

5.The test result shows that there are three growing zones in micro-structure of CVD-W: region of equiaxed grain, region of mixed grain and region of columnar grain. 測試結果表明:CVD-W生長組織具有三個生長區,分別是等軸晶區、混合生長晶區和柱狀晶區;


It will take a few years for the region to recover economically. - 這個地區的經濟恢復得花幾年的時間。

The agricultural region is centered largely in the north. - 那裡的農業區大部分集中在北部。

The land in this region is rather dry and parched. - 這片土地十分乾燥。

The land in this region is dry and parched. - 在這個區域的陸地是乾燥炎熱的。

The petroleum region is centered largely in the north. - 那裡的石油區大部分集中在北部。

What is the coldest region in this country? - 這個國家最冷的地帶是哪裡?


intermediate region of hypothalamus; regio hypothalamica intermedia - 下丘腦中間區

anterior region of hypothalamus; rego hypothalamica anterior - 下丘腦前區

posterior region of hypothalamus; regio hypothalamica posterior - 下丘腦後區

region of interest - 興趣部位

right inguinal region regio inguinatis dextra - 右腹股溝區

n. region of echo height - 回聲高度區

n. region of echo height - 回波高度區

functional region of city - 城市功能分區

anterior crural region surface; regio facies cruralis anterior - 小腿前區

posterior crural region surface; regio facies cruralis posterior - 小腿後區

region of elongation - 延長區

clmate region of building - 建築氣候分區

apex area of heart; apical region of heart - 心尖區

region of limited proportionality - 有限正比區

region between the wo kidneys where qi is stored; source of qi - 生氣之原

arteriae ctomy; arteriae gastricae breves; arteriae region of stomach; short gastric arteries - 胃短動脈

antral region of stomach - 胃竇區

cardiac region of stomach - 胃賁門區

regio umbilicalis; region of umbilicus - 臍區

anterior region of knee; regio genus anterior - 膝前區

posterior region of knee; regio genus posterior - 膝後區

anterior brachial region surface; regio facies brachialis anterior - 臂前區

posterior brachial region surface; regio facies brachialis posierior - 臂後區

sella turcica region tumor - 蝶鞍區腫瘤

variable region of light chain輕鏈可變區; variable region of the light chain - 輕鏈可變區

variable region of the heavy chain - 重鏈可變區

region above glabella - 闕上

region of saturation current - 飽和電流區

olfactory region of nasal mucous membrane; rego olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi - 鼻粘膜嗅區


腹部分區,腹部 - abdominal region

n.上水魚 - abscess of the popliteal region

n.患部 - affected region

踝部 - ankle region

n.肛門部,肛區 - anal region

南極區 - antarctic region

n.前臂前區 - anterior antebrachial region

n.臂前區 - anterior brachial region surface

n.頸前區 - anterior cervical region

n.小腿前區 - anterior crural region surface

n.下丘腦前區 - anterior region of hypothalamus

n.膝前區 - anterior region of knee

n.距小腿前區 - anterior talocrural region

n.抗體過剩區 - antibody excess region

n.抗原過剩區 - antigen excess region

n.胃竇區 - antral region of stomach

n.心尖區 - apical region of heart

寒帶植物區,北極區 - arctic region

n.胃短動脈 - arteriae region of stomach

n.房結區 - atrionodal region

n.按摩腰眼 - auto massage on the lumbodorsal region

n.腋區 - axillary region

n.頰區 - buccal region

n.跟區 - calcaneal region

心臟部,賁門部 - cardiac region

n.胃賁門區 - cardiac region of stomach

n.發腦 - carbuncle of the occipital region

n.銳疽,鸛口疽 - carbuncle on the coccygeal region

n.銳毒 - carbuncle on the right mastoid region

n.環狀軟骨後癌 - carcinoma of postcricoid region

n.上搭手 - cellulitis near the scapular region

n.發腦 - cellulitis of the occipital region

中心粒區域 - centromere region

頸區,頸部 - cervical region

特徵頻率區,特徵性頻 - characteristic frequency region

染色體部位,染色體區域 - chromosome region

n.繞行肩胛 - circle around the scapular region

n.建築氣候分區 - clmate region of building

n.井疽 - cold abscess on the lumber region

n.恆定區 - constant region

n.心前區外形 - contour of precordial region

n.肋脅部 - costal and hypochondriac region

n.下發背 - deep-rooted ulcer in the lumbar region

脫脂骨移植部位 - delipidized boneimplantation region

三角肌區 - deltoid region

消化系統 - digestive region

n.漂移區 - drift region

n.地廓 - earth region

n.三角肌區 - edltoid region

胚區 - embryonic region

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