n. individual ,mortal ,person ,somebody
someone['sʌm,wʌn, -wən]pron. 有人,某人
Someone 其他人;某人;有人;某人,有人;Bitten Someone 咬過別人;bug someone 讓某人心煩;Visiting Someone 應接來客;有關造訪;Encouraging someone 鼓勵某人;鼓勵;
1.Someone called you just now. 剛才有人給你打過電話。
2.It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. 愛一個人,但是沒有被愛,這是件使人悲傷的事。
3.Someone ought to punish the thief and teach him a lesson. 有人應該懲罰一下這個小偷,並且教訓教訓他。
He is with someone right now. Would you hold? - 他現在在會客。你可以稍等嗎?
Sorry, but she is with someone right now. - 抱歉,她正在會客。
No problem, sir. Someone will bring them to your room shortly. - 沒問題,先生。有人會盡快給你送過去。
Kissing someone that smokes is like kissing an ashtray. - 吻一個煙民就像吻一個煙灰缸。
Maybe someone will find it. - 也許會有人發現的。
to talk to someone at the bank next week. - 下星期與銀行的人談一談。
If someone doesn't buy it before then, - 如果在此之前沒有人買走的話。
Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor. - 或者有人能當擔保人幫我們簽字。
I woke up when I heard someone speak. - 一聽到有人說話我就醒了。
the girl he was in love with in college married someone else. - 他大學時代所愛的女孩跟別人結婚了。
maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, - 她也許會在這段時間找別的人。
And we brought someone along who can help. - 而且我們帶來了能幫助我們的人。
If we land a man on the moon, I think someone could surely invent a toaster that works properly. - 如果我們能讓人類登陸月球,我想一定會有人能發明在月球上還能正常運行的烤麵包機。
If you've been with someone for this length of time you'll have to ask yourself what reservations have I got? - 如果你和某人生活了這麼長時間,你得問一下自己,你對這段婚姻滿意嗎?
They don't ask how much someone paid for something. - 他們不問別人買某個東西要花多少錢。
Give me someone who can speak English. - 找一位能講英語的人來。
I would like to talk with someone in charge. - 我想請你們負責人講話。
I'm not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. - 那部分我不熟悉,讓我找專業人士來說明。
There must be someone behind the door. - 門後必然有人在。
Is marriage finding someone to share life with? - 結婚可是在尋覓共同度過人生的人?
Pick on someone your own size! - 不要以大欺小!
Why so pissed off? Someone got in your way? - 幹嘛發火,誰惹你啦?
You should always depend on yourself rather than someone else. - 你應該是依靠你自己,而不足別人。
What's up? What's up? someone called. - 「什麼事?什麼事?」有人叫著。
A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. - 數小時以前,有人向警方報告,說有人企圖偷走這些鑽石。
Suddenly someone shouted.'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!' - 「已經12點零2分了!那鍾已經停了!」
When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. - 當他夜裡回到家時,總是發現有人把車停在他家大門外。
Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. - 每當它想到花園裡來時,便汪汪叫個不停,直到有人把門打開。
This time he was barking so that someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. - 這次它叫著讓人把它放出去!從那以後,它養成了另外一種壞習慣。
Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. - 這之後他就坐下汪汪叫起來,直到有人來把它放出去。
I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. - 脾氣暴躁和食慾旺盛。
He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. - 他說可能有人正對基地進行偵察,因此命令那個飛行員跟蹤那個奇怪的飛行物。
No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen. - 誰也沒想到農場竟會有一個從未露面的人。
If he, or someone like him, were alive today, he might be able to tell us what to expect in the next fifty years. - 如果他或是像他的什麼人今天還活著的話,他大概可以告訴我們下一個50年後會發生什麼事情。
but then she decided that at her age it might be more prudent to have someone with her, - 但轉念一想,像她這個年紀,最好找個人一起去。
I know someone who always cuts sketches out from newspapers of model clothes that she would like to buy if she had the money. - 我認識一個人,她總喜歡從報紙上剪下流行服裝的圖樣,等以後有錢時去買服裝。
It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts. - 只有外部的旁觀者才能灌輸危險的思想。
We'll find someone else for you. - 我們會為你另找一家。
Oh,there's someone at the door. - 噢,門口有人!
You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt. - 讓她留在原地。如果有人受了重傷,你不能動他。
I'll have to go now. Someone wants to use the phone. All the best. - 現在我得掛電話了。有人想用電話。祝你一切都好。
I was doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. When I landed, I fell forward and hurt myself. Someone was standing too close and I knocked into him and fell over onto my shoulder. - 我當時在高低槓上練習。落地時向前摔倒受了傷。有人站的離我太近,我撞在他身上,跌了一跤,肩膀也受了傷。
Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener. First, take turns to listen. Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group. Listen without interrupting, and stop others from interrupting. Then it will be someone else's turn. That wa - 我們還可以對怎樣作個好的傾聽者提出幾點意見。第一,輪流地聽。當你們在一起時,不要同時爭著說話。聽的時候不要打斷人家的講話,還要阻止別人插話。然後再輪到另外的人講話。這樣,每個人都有說話的機會,也有人家恭聽你說話的機會。
Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually prefer to hire someone who has already had some work experience. They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn. For example, a newspaper might employ you if you - 干兼職工作的另一條充分的理由就是,僱主們通常願意錄用已有一些工作經驗的人。他們很看重生活積極、渴望學習的人。例如,如果你在大學或中學就讀時曾為某學生雜誌工作過,那麼報社就可能錄用你。一般來說,如果你已幹過一些兼職工作,找到適合工作的機會就會大些。
He waited until someone new joined the company and then began to steal. - 他等待有人剛加入公司後才開始偷竊。
Then, instead of having someone answering the phone all day, people can ring up the railway station and listen to a tape recording of the information. - 然後,人們可以打電話到火車站,從錄音電話中獲取信息,而不要安排一個專人整天接電話。
When someone dies, all the relations, old and young, come to the marae for the Maori burial service. - 當某人死亡後,所有親戚,無論老幼,均要到集會地參加毛利人的葬禮。
Maori believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, so during this time someone always stays with the dead person. - 毛利人相信人死之後靈魂還會附體3天,因此在這段時間裡一直有人守候著死者。
From this we get the expression to make a beeline for someone or something, which means to go quickly along a straight direct course for someone or something. - 從這裡我們得到一條短語"to make a beeline for someone or something,意思是迅速地沿著一條直線向某人或某物走去。
It almost looks as if someone has drawn it. - 看起來好像這隻鹿是畫上去似的。」