





a. tested ,time-tested ,tried and true ,well-tried


tried[traid]adj. 可靠的;試驗過的v. 嘗試(try的過去分詞)


tried 經過試驗的;審判;經過試驗的,可靠的;試圖;I tried 我去嘗試了;我盡力了;well tried 經過多次試驗證明的;經試驗證明有用的;tried back 重新回到;回老路找嗅跡;tried for 爭取;謀求;


1.And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should. 試驗過的什麼她可以當一個牧羊女。

2.He tried to finish the work with least money and fewest people. 他設法要用最少的錢和最少的人去完成這項工作。

3.I wish I was designer. With a cloth cut and tried, dress myself 我希望,我是個服裝設計師。一張布,裁裁剪剪,把自己打扮成自己想要的樣子。


Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him. - 請你轉告他陸明正設法跟他聯繫。

I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, - 我總是告誡孩子們獨立的重要。

You tried calling the number on the collar? - 你照狗脖子上項圈的電話號碼打過電話了嗎?

He tried to smile. - 他設法要微笑。

For example, did you know that 1 in 4 teenagers has tried marijuana? - 比如,你是否知道4個青少年中就有1位曾經吸過大麻?

I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. - 我總是盡量不干涉你的事情。

As your uncle, I have always tried not to interfere in your affairs and I don't intend to begin now. - 作為你的叔叔,我盡量避免干涉你的事情,我現在也不打算這樣做。

But We tried very hard to adapt ourselves to the new environment. - 但是我們盡量去適應新的環境。

I tried calling you several times yesterday but I couldn't get through. - 我昨天給你打了幾次電話,但都沒有打通。

I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through. - 我試著打電話給你,但都沒有打通。

I told him that if he tried to remove the fence it would be over my dead body. - 我告訴他,除非我死了不然他從從休想拆掉這道籬笆。

He tried to sell me his lousy radio. - 他想把他那台破收音機賣給我。

We tried in vain to make him change his mind. - 我們試圖使他改變他的主意,但白費力氣。

I tried to call you, but the line was busy. - 我試著給你打電話,但老占線。

I tried to call Mr. Cooper,but the line was busy. - 我試著呼叫庫珀先生,但是線老是忙。

I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. - 我總是嘗試不干預你的私事。

I tried several times to call, but there is no answer. - 我打了幾次,但是沒有人回答。

In his defense, he still tried to justify himself. - 為了保護自己,他一直試圖證明自己的行為是正當的。

I imagine you are tried after your trip. - 我想你旅行回來一定疲憊不堪吧。

The short boy tried to peer over the desktop. - 矮個子的男孩掙扎著要看到桌子的上面(有什麼)。

You look very tried tonight. - 今晚你看起來很疲倦。

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late. - 我們倆都試圖把這兩枚硬幣拿出來,但太遲了。

She tried to play jazz on it! - 因為她用它來彈奏爵士樂。

I tried to make conversation. - 我試圖找個話題和她聊聊。

They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. - 剛才,當她和孩子們正在森林邊上野餐的時候,這兩個人衝到她跟前,企圖搶走她的手提包。

I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. - 我想說點什麼,但我嘴裡塞滿了藥棉。

The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. - 這位婦女盡可能地靠近孩子,甚至自己也想鑽進箱子裡去,只是箱子太小了。

As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands. - 當那人試圖讓快艇轉彎時,方向盤脫手了。

I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, - 我按響了門鈴,試圖喚醒我的妻子,

She tried to explain the situation, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late. - 她說了聲「是我,別怕!」然後想進行一番解釋,但已來不及了。

The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, admitted at once that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. - 那個看來滿臉沮喪、渾身漆黑的傢伙從煙囪裡一出來,就承認頭天夜裡他企圖到店裡行竅,但讓煙囪卡住了。

The rough across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from. - 穿越平原的道路高低不平,開車走了不遠,路面愈加崎嶇。我們想勸說布魯斯把車開回我們出發的那個村莊去。

I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain, - 我常常試圖想像這些紙上所寫的東西,

I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. - 我曾試著減肥,但是毫無效果。

I remember. You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you. I'm sure you looked beautiful that evening. You were always a pretty girl. - 我想起來了。你還把項鏈戴上試了試,戴在你身上真是太好看了。我相信那天晚上你一定很美。你總是那麼漂亮。

Have you tried to borrow money from a bank? - 你是否試過向銀行借錢呢?

One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. - 他的錢和財產的一半必須給威尼斯城,另一半必須給他企圖殺害的人。

He reasoned with them, and tried to persuade them to set him free. - 他跟這些人講道理,試圖說服他們把他放了。

He tried to escape but was followed and caught. - 他曾經試圖逃跑,但是被人追上來抓住了。

He explained that he had tried to fix the air-line to the supply line that ran round the port but could not because the fittings did not match. - 他解釋說他想供氣管安裝到鋪設在碼頭周圍的供應管上,但因為接頭不相配而接不上。

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