chancellery['tʃɑ:nsələri, 'tʃæn-]n. 大臣;大使館;總理之職
chancellery 大臣;辦事處;大使館全體工作人員;大臣官邸;Chancellery Palace 主教宮;the Chancellery (德國)總理府;(德國)總理府;Reich Chancellery 帝國總理府;State Secretary for chancellery 總理府國務秘書;
1.Its job was to guard Hitler and his official residence in the Reich Chancellery. 它的任務是保護在帝國總理府的老希和他的官邸。
2.The Minister's face lit up, visible to all in the light of the flames from the Chancellery across the Wilhelmsplatz. 部長面色忽然開朗,在威廉廣場對面的總理府的火光照映下,人人都看得很清楚。
3.In the name of diplomacy and bridging partisan gaps, she attempted to work with Senators Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and other known critics of Palpatine's Chancellery. 她以外交和消除派別隔閡的名義,企圖與貝爾·奧加納議員、蒙·莫思瑪議員等批評帕爾帕廷政府的人共事。