DMLabbr. 現代語言博士(Doctor of Modern Languages);數據操作語言(Data Manipulation Language)
DML 數據操縱語言;數據操作語言;data manipulation language;Data Manipulation Language;e DML 數據操縱語言;DML DeclarativeMarkupLanguage 說明性標記語言;DML trigger DML 觸發器;DML Demolish 拆壞;
1.The storage manager translates the various DML statements into low-level file-system commands. 儲藏器將各種不同的 DML 陳述翻譯成低水平系統指令文件。
2.DML has also recently been awarded a separate contract for a number of MEP (Military Enhancement Programme) vehicles. 近期,DML公司還獲得了一個獨立的軍事增強計劃(MEP)車輛合同。
3.Prohibited Operations: An exclusive table lock held by a transaction prohibits other transactions from performing any type of DML statement or placing any type of lock on the table. 禁止的操作:一個事務獲得排他表級鎖後,將禁止其他事務對表執行任何DML操作,其他事務也無法獲取表上任何類型的鎖。