guayaquiln. 瓜亞基爾(厄瓜多爾港市)
Guayaquil 瓜亞基爾;厄瓜多爾;瓜亞基爾;惠夜基市;Guayaquil port 瓜亞基爾港;ECGYL GUAYAQUIL 瓜亞基爾;GUAYAQUIL Ecuador 瓜亞基爾 厄瓜多爾;GUAYAQUIL EC 瓜亞基爾;
1.The largest city of Ecuador, in the western part of the country near the Gulf of Guayaquil, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. 瓜亞基爾厄瓜多爾的最大城市,位於該國西部,靠近太平洋內灣瓜亞基爾灣。
2.Capovilla was born in Guayaquil in western Ecuador on September 14, 1889, the same year that Adolf Hitler was born and the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated. 卡波比亞1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多西部的瓜亞基爾市,與希特勒出生和埃菲爾鐵塔竣工同年。
3.The city of Guayaquil dominates the coastal plain, largely populated by mestizos. Guayaquil—the country's largest city, major port, and leading commercial center—is a rival to Quito. 瓜亞基爾是厄國最大的市,主要港口也是經濟中心-與基多平起平坐。