Adieu Madras Adieu Foulards 永別了頭巾,永別了方巾;Madras gingham 馬德拉斯條格布;馬德拉斯條紋布,馬德拉斯格子布;馬德拉斯條格布(印度);Madras goatskin 馬德拉斯羊皮;Madras handkerchiefs 馬德拉斯香味布;馬德拉斯香味布(印度);MADRAS 馬德拉斯;馬德拉斯狹條襯衫布;馬德拉斯 印度 印度次大陸;瑪德拉斯;
1.Madras -- Loosely woven, fine cotton fabric from Madras, India, vegetable dyed in plains, stripes and checks. Tends to fade when washed. 馬德拉斯,一種源自印度馬德拉斯的疏鬆織物,以優質棉布織就,用植物染料印成格紋、條紋、棋格紋,洗後易褪色。
2.Madras -- Loosely woven, fine cotton fabric from Madras, India, vegetable dyed in plains, stripes and checks. Tends to fade when washed. 馬德拉斯,一種源自印度馬德拉斯的疏鬆織物,以優質棉布織就,用植物染料印成格紋、條紋、棋格紋,洗後易褪色。
3.Madras, which is based in Argos, also has a manufacturing plant in Atlanta. 馬德拉斯,這是總部設在阿哥斯,也有生產廠在亞特蘭大。
4.Strangely, the man from Madras was not grinning; he had turned his face away, as if he were ashamed at what Chenayya had said. 非常奇怪的是,那個來自馬德拉斯的男人並沒有笑出聲,他別過了臉,好像對成內亞剛說的話感到非常慚愧。
5.A city of southeast India on the Bay of Bengal south-southwest of Madras. 印度東南部一城市,瀕臨孟加拉灣,位於馬德拉斯西南偏南。