pseudogene['psju:dəudʒi:n]n. [化]假基因
pseudogene 假基因,擬基因,偽基因;擬基因;偽遺伝子;擬基因,假基因;pseudogene - 假基因;Processed Pseudogene 假基因;已加工假基因;retro-pseudogene 逆假基因;Y-linked zinc finger pseudogene 釋義:Y連鎖假鋅指基因;
1.But if the gene copy contains disabling typos or is missing pieces of the original, such as the promoter, it will become a pseudogene. 但如果基因出現短缺(像是缺失啟動子)或序列發生錯誤使基因損壞,它們就成了偽基因。
2.Others are copies of a gene that has so evolved over time, the pseudogene's sequence may reflect an older, earlier version of its parent. 還有些基因已隨歲月改頭換面,偽基因序列則反映出較古老的版本。
3.This pseudogene (named makorin1-p1) is a greatly shortened copy of makorin1, an ancient gene that mice share with fruit flies, worms and many other species. makorin1是小鼠、果蠅、蠕蟲以及許多其他物種都共有的古老基因。