coffee-and['kɔfiænd]n. 咖啡和糕餅等的餐點
coffee-and 咖啡等餐點;Green coffee--Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects 生咖啡 嗅覺和肉眼檢驗以及雜質和缺陷的測定;Coffee and Ice-Cream 輕音樂;Household electric coffee makers and brewing-type appliances 家用電動煮咖啡壺及釀造型器具;
1.The Mona Lisa one of the world's most famous paintings has been recreated with 3604 cups of coffee - and 564 pints of milk. 世界最聞名畫作之一《蒙娜麗莎》由3604杯咖啡和564品脫牛奶重新演繹。
2.The Mona Lisa, one of the world's most famous paintings, has been recreated with 3, 604 cups of coffee - and 564 pints of milk. 世界最著名畫作之一《蒙娜麗莎》由3604杯咖啡和564品脫牛奶重新演繹。
3.That's the coffee-and-Sunday-paper phase, the board-games-when-it's-raining phase, and the fact is, there's not a lick of excitement about it. 這是週末報紙-喝咖啡的階段;是下雨時一起下棋的階段;事實上,友愛愛情中根本沒有一點激情。