homotopy[hə'mɔtəpi]n. [數]同倫
homotopy 同倫;倫移;同倫 倫移;同倫,倫移;homotopy equivalence 同倫等價;cochain homotopy 上鏈同倫;homotopy classification 同倫分類;cellular homotopy 胞腔式同倫;胞腔同倫;胞式同倫;
1.And with the homotopy continuation methods, these function set is solved, and the direct kinematics solutions are obtained. 然後使用連續同倫方法,對上述方程組進行求解,並獲得並聯機床正解。
2.Recently, a combined homotopy interior point method (denoted as CHIP method for convenience) was presented to solve a class of nonlinear programming problems. 最近學者們提出了組合同倫內點法(簡記為CHIP方法)去求解一類非線性規劃問題。
3.Case studies show that homotopy continuation method is an effective algorithm for the calculation of various nonideal systems separation with not high requirements for initial value. 實例計算表明同倫函數法是一種對初值要求不高,對各種非理想物系分離計算效果較好的一種算法。