ammuntion 裝彈藥;彈藥;彈藥 / 裝彈藥;
1.Roads and bridges were destroyed to prevent the enemy's reserves/ammuntion from coming up. 為阻止敵人的後備軍/彈藥上前線而毀掉了道路和橋樑。
2.Rounds of jacketed hollow point ammuntion, that have less penetration power than armor piercing ammuntion, but causes severe damage to unarmored targets. 該彈藥使用空心彈頭,穿透力比較穿甲彈來說略微不足,但能對非裝甲目標造成嚴重傷害。
3.This proves that PNP can be used as an ingredient in the formulation not only of caseless ammuntion cartridge but also of propellant which requests heat resistance and safety. 表明PNP完全可以作為一種無殼彈發射藥柱配方組成,並可以在以耐熱、安全目的的火藥配方中應用。