incapacitation['inkə,pæsi'teiʃən]n. 無能力;使無能力;使無資格
incapacitation 喪失能力;無能力;失效失去資格;失效;hybrid incapacitation 雜種不育性;生殖)無能;雜種(生存;雜種(生存,生殖)無能;immediate incapacitation 立即喪失行動能力;incapacitation accident 釋義:致殘性事故;functional incapacitation 釋義:功能喪失;
1.Sick leave is a form of insurance that is accumulated in order to provide a cushion for incapacitation due to illness. 病假是一種積累式的以預防因病而無法工作的保險。
2.Tom Smith, Taser international One shot anywhere on the body, immediate incapacitation and you don't have to be a marksman to use it. 湯姆·史密斯,泰琵國際公司只要命中身體的任何一個部分,他便立即動彈不得,即使你槍法不准也沒關係。
3.The death or incapacitation of the defendant's only family member capable of caring for the defendant's minor child or minor children. 被告的唯一能照顧其尚未成年的孩子的家庭成員死亡或殘疾。