





n. calendar week ,hebdomad ,workweek


weeksn. 威克斯(姓氏)


Weeks 克斯;星期;威克斯(姓氏);芋卜二十周簡訊;gestational weeks 孕周;two weeks 兩個星期;兩周;雙周情緣;生命旅程;Wendell Weeks 威克斯;維克斯;董事長魏文德;Six Weeks 愛你六星期;六星期;


1.Please see me in three weeks. 請在三星期之內來見我。

2.Weeks went by, and the battle went on. 幾個星期過去了,戰鬥仍在進行。

3.But the muscle and joint pain can last for weeks or months. 但是肌肉和關節的疼痛可能持續幾周或幾個月。


We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe. - 我們有幾套歐洲旅遊計劃選擇,時間從10天到3個星期。

I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. - 幾星期前我約好和他以及他女兒共進午餐。

I've been thinking about it for weeks now. - 為這事我想了幾個星期。

Lillian and I were married two weeks ago in Detroit. Lillian - 和我已經在兩周前在Detroit結婚了。

We haven't heard from him for weeks but we're still hoping for a letter. - 我們已經有幾個星期沒有他的消息,但仍然盼望著他的來信。

He took two weeks off in August. - 他在八月份休假兩星期。

Provided you can offer favorable quotations and guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you. - 貴方若能報優惠價並保證在收到定單後4周內交貨,我方將定期訂購。

Mother begins baking cookies two weeks before Christmas. - 自聖誕節的兩周以前,母親就開始做小甜餅了。

He must have three more weeks of rest before he is released. - 他在出院以前,還需要三周時間的靜養。

It'll take a few more weeks for the bone to mend. - 還需要花兩三周骨頭才能復原。

I will be going to school in a few weeks from now. - 我將在幾個星期後上學去。

As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. - 由於鄰居們對狗叫很有意見,所以我丈夫花了幾個星期的時間訓練它用腳爪按住門閂把自己放進來。

Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. - 消防隊員們同那場森林大火搏鬥了將近3個星期才最後把火勢控制住。

'I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now. - 「好幾個星期了,我天天夜裡到鐘樓上來。

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas. - 聖誕節前幾周,某人摔斷了右腿被送進醫院。

The weeks passed and the grass grew. - 幾個星期過去了,草長了起來。

I'm very sorry. I borrowed a book from the library two weeks ago. - 「很對不起。兩周前我從圖書館借了一本書。

(Two weeks later. The woman arrives at the farmer's house.) - (兩周後,婦女來到農民的家。)

I lent a pan to you two weeks ago. I've come to get it back again. - 兩個星期以前我借了一隻鍋給你。我來拿我的鍋。

Two weeks ago it had a baby. - 兩周前它生了個孩子。

Several weeks after that, I will plant them in rows in the field. - 再過幾個星期,我還要把它們一行行地栽到菜地裡。

Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play. - 隨後幾個星期我們進行排練。

I've got three weeks altogether. What do you suggest I see? - 我總共有三周時間。你建議我看些什麼呢?

My aunt, Mrs flower, died three weeks ago. - 我的伯母弗勞爾夫人3周前去世。

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