





government officials in cahoots with coalmine operators government officials act in collusion with coalmine operators 官煤勾結;DECISION OF THE GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL OF THE CENTRAL PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN TRADE ARBITRATION COMMISSION WITHIN THE CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE 中央人民政府政務院關於在中國國際貿易促進委員會內設立對外貿易仲裁委員會的決定;l DECISION OF THE GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL OF THE CENTRAL PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN TRADE ARBITRATION COMMISSION WITHIN THE CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE 中央人民政府政務院關於在中國國際貿易促進委員會內設立對外貿易仲裁委員會的決定;in government being the government 治理:;統治;執政;government officials in cahoots with coalmine operators government officials act in collusion with coalmine operators 官煤勾結;


1.E-government will improve government efficiency and narrow the gap between government and enterprises, the Government and the distance between users. 電子政務將會提高政府工作效率,拉近政府與企業、政府與網民之間的距離。

2.If institutionally one government power is used to check another government power, then the authority of law will remain above government officials. 在制度上以政府的權力制約政府權力,法的權威就高於政府官員。

3.Why your government gives no consideration to Chinese government and people set oneself against but , many times sells a weapon to the Taiwan authorities not having the return Chinese government. 可你的政府為什麼不顧中國政府和人民堅決反對,多次向還沒有回歸中國政府的台灣當局出售武器。

4.Definition of green government and Literatures of constructing green government throughout the world were detailed. Stringency to build green government in China was expatiated. 文章闡述了綠色政府的內涵及國內外在構建綠色政府方面作出的努力,論述了在我國建設綠色政府的迫切性。

5.UK government in North Ireland, France government in Corsica Island, Canadian government in Quebec, who didn't use force to stop their local area independence? 英國在北愛爾蘭、法國在科西嘉島、加拿大在魁北克,哪次不是動用軍隊才制止了這些地方的獨立?!


I took out a government loan to pay for college. - 我靠政府貸款上的大學。

The government takes creating job opportunities seriously. - 政府十分注重創造就業機會。

The government has adopted many measures to promote its economy. - 政府採取了許多措施來發展經濟。

He accused the government of tearing up the negotiated agreement. - 他控告政府撕毀協議。

The government announced its new economic policies. - 政府發佈了新的經濟政策。

We put pressure on the government to change this law. - 我們給政府施加壓力,要求修改那條法律。

The government expects to handle the crisis easily. - 政府預測將可毫無困難地度過這次危機。

As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool. - 由於將有大批的人到我們國家來,所以政府準備建造一些新的飯店、一個大型體育場和一個新的奧運會標準游泳池。

In the 1970s, computers were common enough, but only in big business, government departments, and large organizations. - 在70年代,計算機已經相當普及了,但只用在大公司,政府部門和大的組織之中,

suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles. - 他向英國政府和工業界提出了他研究多年的一項計劃。

If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together. - 如果一個國家實際上處於分裂狀態,使之聯合起來就是政府的事了。

Where the cost of government is high, resources for development are correspondingly low. - 凡是政府管理費用高的地方,用於發展國家經濟的資金就會相應地減少。

Such administrative overheads in a business are analogous to the cost of government in a nation. - 一家企業的這種行政管理開支類似於一個國家的政府管理所用的開支。

Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the palace so I needed to borrow some jewellery. - 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鏈,你還記得嗎?我的丈夫比爾當時在政府的一個部門工作。我們被邀請參加一個宮庭舞會,所以我需要借一點珠寶首飾。

I think our manager will persuade the government to let him build a new factory. - 我想經理會說服政府讓他建新廠的。

At that time only the British government had the right to sell salt, which was taxed, so Gandhi encouraged the whole nation to make their own salt. - 那時,只有英國政府有權出售鹽,而且鹽是要徵稅的。於是甘地鼓勵所有的國民自己生產鹽。

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