n. perniciousness
toxicity[tɔk'sisəti]n. 毒性
Toxicity 毒性;毒性的;毒力;或中毒;chronic toxicity 慢性毒性;慢性中毒;性試驗;慢性毒藥;toxicity limit 毒性極限;毒性閾值;toxicity mode 毒性型;毒性類;delayed toxicity 潛伏毒性;延遲中毒;遲延毒性;延遲性毒性;
1.The titrant is indefinitely stable, and is of low toxicity. 這種滴定劑一直都是穩定的,而且毒性很低。
2.And the toxicity of cinnabar could be avoided by normalizing the preparation method, controlling the dosage and duration . 通過規範用藥方法,控制用藥劑量和用藥時間是可以避免硃砂中毒的。
3.Conclusion: KMSHT capsule had low middle grade of genetic toxicity and general reproductive toxicity, but no embryo toxicity. 結論:昆明山海棠膠囊具有低-中度的遺傳毒性和一般生殖毒性,而無胚胎毒性。
short-term toxicty test; subacute toxicity test - 亞急性毒性試驗
n. low toxicity mud - 低毒性泥漿
toxicity of pesticide residue - 農藥殘毒
reduce the toxicity and side effects of the drug - 減低該藥的毒副作用
animal toxicity test - 動物毒性試驗
acute toxicity test - 急性毒性試驗
chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test - 慢性毒性試驗
toxicity determination - 毒性測定
toxicity testing - 毒性試驗
counteract the toxicity of another medicine; mutual detoxication; mutualdetoxication - 相殺
short term toxicity test - 短期毒性試驗
cumulative toxicity test - 蓄積毒性試驗
toxicity test of fishes - 魚類毒性試驗
亞德裡亞黴素毒性 - adriamycin toxicity
急性毒性,急性毒力 - acute toxicity
n.急性毒性試驗 - acute toxicity test
減輕毒性 - alleviating toxicity
四氧嘧啶毒性 - alloxan toxicity
鋁中毒 - aluminium toxicity
鋁毒性 - aluminum toxicity
氨毒性 - ammonia toxicity
n.動物毒性試驗 - animal toxicity test
動物毒性試驗 - animal toxicity testing
水生毒性 - aquatic toxicity
苯毒性 - benzene toxicity
行為毒性 - behavioral toxicity
n.二相毒性 - biphasic toxicity
骨髓毒性 - bone marrow toxicity
硼毒性 - boron toxicity
鎘毒性 - cadmium toxicity
cd4毒性 - carbon tetrachloride toxicity
血管毒性 - cardiovascular toxicity
中樞神經系毒性 - central nervous system toxicity
化學毒性 - chemical toxicity
n.慢性毒性 - chronic toxicity
n.慢性毒性試驗 - chronic toxicity test
臨床毒性試驗 - clinical toxicity study
銅毒性 - copper toxicity
n.相殺 - counteract the toxicity of another medicine
n.蓄積毒性 - cumulative toxicity
n.蓄積毒性試驗 - cumulative toxicity test
環磷酰胺毒性 - cyclophosphamide toxicity
道諾紅黴素毒性 - daunorubicin toxicity
毒性發作 - development of toxicity
發展毒性 - developmental toxicity
n.藥物毒性 - drug toxicity
n.常毒 - drug with little toxicity
環境毒性 - environmental toxicity
酒精毒性 - ethanol toxicity
氣體毒性 - gas toxicity
一般毒性 - general toxicity
遺傳性毒性 - genetic toxicity
重金屬毒性 - heavy metal toxicity
吸入性中毒 - inhalation toxicity
吸入性中毒檢測 - inhalation toxicity testing
注射性中毒 - injection toxicity
鐵中毒 - iron toxicity
甾醇 - lantana toxicity
鉛毒性 - lead toxicity
局部中毒 - local toxicity
n.慢性毒性試驗 - long term toxicity test
n.低殘毒 - low residual toxicity
錳中毒 - manganese toxicity