n. dean
doyen[dwɑ:'jæŋ]n. 首席;老資格;老前輩
doyen 團長;接頭人;老前輩;老前輩。;DOYEN DOY 銅管樂 英國;Doyen gag 釋義:杜瓦揚開口器;Greatbow Doyen 巨弓首席;doyen top 首席;
1.The shipping company, starting from scratch in 1952, has blossomed into the doyen of the maritime freight industry. 這家船務公司於1952年白手起家,至今已繁榮壯大成為海上貨運業的龍頭老大。
2.Reporter: As far as I know, World Trade Center Mumbai and WTCA were set up in the same year, so without any doubt, WTC Mumbai is the doyen of WTCs. 記:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心裡面算是元老級的「人物」啦!
3.Poet and a journalist. He was a doyen journalist of China News Agency to work in the United States. He is now the director of Fujian Branch of China News Agency. 徐德金,中新社記者,詩人,曾任中新社駐美國首席記者,現任中新社福建分社社長。