faceplate['feispleit]n. 花盤,面板;[電]陰極射線管螢幕
faceplate 面板花盤;陰極射線管螢幕;平面卡盤 平台基準面;花卡盤 花盤 劃線平台 面板;faceplate starter 平觸點起動器;控電板起動器;dial faceplate 刻度盤;chuck faceplate 帶爪卡盤;glass faceplate 玻璃面板;
1.The display on his faceplate flickered to life, a transparent layer of ghostly green topology. 他面板上的顯示器閃爍著激活了,一層幽靈般的綠色透明拓撲圖。
2.Breetai wore an enigmatic look. He touched his faceplate in an absent manner and rose from the chair to tower over the "Micronian" balcony. 布裡泰露出令人迷惑的表情。他不在意地觸摸著自己的面甲,站起身來,一下子高過了「微型人」的包廂。
3.Tom shifted his focus off his TACMAP on his helmet's faceplate and farther ahead to the primary target, now only five hundred meters distant. 湯姆把他的注意力從戰術控制圖轉移到頭盔面板和前方的預定目標上,現在只有五百米的距離了。